Sony Xperia 10 III experiences?

Sorry, I’ve added some confusion here. Are you referring to the Xperia 10III or the GS5/Volla22?

“Sony Xperia 10 III experience” ← This :slight_smile:


Have you tried the iPhone combined with a lovely Macbook?

Yes, now I use 3 devices on iOS/macOS, one SFOS, several devices on linux.
But most of all I miss my BlackBerry Passport SE. ;(
And a little bit on the HP Elite x3.

I have never used any Android device as the main one.

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Oh damn, what you brings out. I had the Passport SE, it was amazing :open_mouth:
Anyway how’s browser in 10 III? I’m not experiencing much crashes on 10, I love the ability to play youtube videos on background

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In my opinion, this browser have nothing really positive as daily driven browser: it’s old, not support some new web features (you literally can not close “live chat support” if it will close a half of page for you) and some times not working at all with some pages (for example some amazon pages displayed as white blank pages), too often crashes when pop-up advertising wall comes up etc.
Crashes are most annoying part.
And the lack of auto-correction.

I got the same behaviour with the browser, the interesting thing is that the same SFOS 4.5 release browser on other devices e.g. XZ3 (ported) does not crash visiting the same web pages, which means somehow that browser crashing issue is very related to xperia 10iii.


After a short and unsuccessful attempt at installing SailfishOS on a GS5 Lite, today i successfully installed SailfishOS on my Xperia 10iii :partying_face:

I’m curious what the battery life will be with my minimal usage :slight_smile: .

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Funny you should ask. I just upgraded to and here’s how it looks. This phone is used fairly infrequently. It has two active SIMS.

Initially I turned off WLAN, NFC, Android and Location, but the difference when not actually using these services is pretty much invisible.

FWIW, it appears 3.5G is the available connection where I am.

Maybe it’s a dumb question, but what app is that?

Thanks for sharing!

Right now I have the phone switched on and everything switched off and without any SIM or SD card. It seems to use about 1% per hour which would be 3-4 days. Your result doesn’t seem to differ that much.

System Monitor aka SysMon which is available on Storeman. Might I also humbly suggest Crest which is a good took to track down high usage zombies and the light

Did you all have Android 11 at flashing time? There is a thorough explanation about why it should be Android 11 but I can’t seem to find it anymore. Any help welcome here.

I’ve kept my X10iii on until the battery dropped below 10%, which took more than 5 days and a few hours. That’s a nice result.

I’m now preparing to migrate my data from my FP2 running SFOS to my X10iii running SFOS with the backup/restore function and swapping a uSD card. Is it okay to do that with the different versions? An update to is available for my FP2, but it seems more experimental than the 4.40.68 release i’m using now so i’d rather not do that.

Standby power consumption is one thing. I sometimes even manage to get 0.8% per hour (with only GSM radio on and everything else off), but so what. Power drain during actual active use is the problem.

Of course i understand that a real use scenario is more relevant. The thing is that my actual use isn’t much higher than this. I did this test to get an idea of the practical maximum battery life.

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Restore didn’t do 100% of what i expected …
Contacts, messages, pictures and playlists are all restored as i expected.

Calendars and notes aren’t.
For the calendars i think i can work around it as they are all stored in caldav, so i can simply sync with my server to restore.
For notes it’s more tricky. In the restore log (in /home/defaultuser/.local/share/sailfish-backup/logs) i found:

Running unit script Notes (7 of 9)
Status text: Restoring: Notes
Start: /usr/libexec/jolla-notes/notes-vault --action import --name Notes --bin-dir /home/defaultuser/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2023-04-01T17-13-01Z/Notes/blobs --dir /home/defaultuser/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2023-04-01T17-13-01Z/Notes/data --home-dir /home/defaultuser
Done: notes-vault [FAILED] Exit code: 1
[ERROR] 3 Process exited with non-zero exit code or status, quitting.

Which looks like the same problem as described here: Intex to XA2 : restore fail . I did find some comments on restoring manually, so i untar’ed the backup and copied the notes directtory to /home/defaultuser/.local/share/com.jolla/notes/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases but that didn’t work (notes application still shows no notes).
I did notice the username on the system changed from “nemo” to “defaultuser”, i’m not sure if that has something to do with it.

I noticed not all my contacts have been copied. It seems like the contacts in my carddav addressbook are not copied. An additional (but separate) problem is that the carddav sync on my FP2 doesn’t work anymore. It requests /.well-known/carddav and the server responds with a redirect to / (which is correct), but buteo-oopp-runner logs this is not expected and refuses to sync.
The server side is provided by on a private server.

I found the buteo code responsible for the error: buteo-sync-plugin-carddav/carddav.cpp at master · ubports/buteo-sync-plugin-carddav · GitHub
I’m now trying to figure out what it expects from this redirect. It may not be the same as the original url (line 549) but should still end with /.well-known/carddav (line 550), so maybe it expects the a full URL instead of one relative to the server?

As suggested in [] XPERIA 10 III Backup restore fails -> Notes can not be restored - #5 by rgp i created a symlink from /home/nemo to /home/defaultuser and the restore for notes worked. The only thing left are the contacts which are not covered by the backup/restore and carddav not working. My main goal is to get carddav going which should fix the issue.

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Well, it doesn’t take more than just to make or receive a voice call for the power drain to change from 1%/hour to 5-8%/hour. A 3.5 hour conversation I’ve had recently ate almost 1/3 of battery…

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Why is everyone silent about echo cancellation on the 10 III that still hasn’t been fixed?
Even with speaker on the other person hears echos.
Fingerprints work now always on the XA2+ and on the 10 III only now and then.
Battery life is not great. Besides these the 10 III works fine.
The Sailfish browser is limited, but this is not specific for the 10 III.

i have never experienced it myself.