System Monitor aka SysMon which is available on Storeman. Might I also humbly suggest Crest which is a good took to track down high usage zombies and the light
Did you all have Android 11 at flashing time? There is a thorough explanation about why it should be Android 11 but I can’t seem to find it anymore. Any help welcome here.
I’ve kept my X10iii on until the battery dropped below 10%, which took more than 5 days and a few hours. That’s a nice result.
I’m now preparing to migrate my data from my FP2 running SFOS to my X10iii running SFOS with the backup/restore function and swapping a uSD card. Is it okay to do that with the different versions? An update to is available for my FP2, but it seems more experimental than the 4.40.68 release i’m using now so i’d rather not do that.
Standby power consumption is one thing. I sometimes even manage to get 0.8% per hour (with only GSM radio on and everything else off), but so what. Power drain during actual active use is the problem.
Of course i understand that a real use scenario is more relevant. The thing is that my actual use isn’t much higher than this. I did this test to get an idea of the practical maximum battery life.
Restore didn’t do 100% of what i expected …
Contacts, messages, pictures and playlists are all restored as i expected.
Calendars and notes aren’t.
For the calendars i think i can work around it as they are all stored in caldav, so i can simply sync with my server to restore.
For notes it’s more tricky. In the restore log (in /home/defaultuser/.local/share/sailfish-backup/logs) i found:
Running unit script Notes (7 of 9)
Status text: Restoring: Notes
Start: /usr/libexec/jolla-notes/notes-vault --action import --name Notes --bin-dir /home/defaultuser/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2023-04-01T17-13-01Z/Notes/blobs --dir /home/defaultuser/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2023-04-01T17-13-01Z/Notes/data --home-dir /home/defaultuser
Done: notes-vault [FAILED] Exit code: 1
[ERROR] 3 Process exited with non-zero exit code or status, quitting.
Which looks like the same problem as described here: Intex to XA2 : restore fail . I did find some comments on restoring manually, so i untar’ed the backup and copied the notes directtory to /home/defaultuser/.local/share/com.jolla/notes/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases but that didn’t work (notes application still shows no notes).
I did notice the username on the system changed from “nemo” to “defaultuser”, i’m not sure if that has something to do with it.
I noticed not all my contacts have been copied. It seems like the contacts in my carddav addressbook are not copied. An additional (but separate) problem is that the carddav sync on my FP2 doesn’t work anymore. It requests /.well-known/carddav and the server responds with a redirect to / (which is correct), but buteo-oopp-runner logs this is not expected and refuses to sync.
The server side is provided by on a private server.
I found the buteo code responsible for the error: buteo-sync-plugin-carddav/carddav.cpp at master · ubports/buteo-sync-plugin-carddav · GitHub
I’m now trying to figure out what it expects from this redirect. It may not be the same as the original url (line 549) but should still end with /.well-known/carddav (line 550), so maybe it expects the a full URL instead of one relative to the server?
As suggested in [] XPERIA 10 III Backup restore fails -> Notes can not be restored - #5 by rgp i created a symlink from /home/nemo to /home/defaultuser and the restore for notes worked. The only thing left are the contacts which are not covered by the backup/restore and carddav not working. My main goal is to get carddav going which should fix the issue.
Well, it doesn’t take more than just to make or receive a voice call for the power drain to change from 1%/hour to 5-8%/hour. A 3.5 hour conversation I’ve had recently ate almost 1/3 of battery…
Why is everyone silent about echo cancellation on the 10 III that still hasn’t been fixed?
Even with speaker on the other person hears echos.
Fingerprints work now always on the XA2+ and on the 10 III only now and then.
Battery life is not great. Besides these the 10 III works fine.
The Sailfish browser is limited, but this is not specific for the 10 III.
i have never experienced it myself.
I’ve only had a complaint about it once. And back in the day, surely no phones had any echo cancellation and worked just fine, so i suppose it is perhaps not critical.
It used to be that speakerphone was always terrible… apart from the odd emergency conference phone, i only keep seeing terrible uses of it (like people walking around town etc).
It’s annoying to be forced to have speaker on and even then I get complaints. It doesn’t help much when people are saying ‘I don’t have this problem’. And I know I am not the only one with this. Sometimes when I have enough of it, I charge the N9 so I can use that for making calls over 2G/3G.
Yes, it is annoying. And yes, I do get complaints from people about the echo. A partial solution is to keep call volume <= 70% which limits echo to much less disturbing levels, but at the same time it obviously makes the earpiece volume lower than sometimes needed to hear the other party comfortably.
I’ve been using mobile phones since 1997 or so and I don’t remember that anyone ever complained about echo in any of them, except now the 10 III that numerous people do complain about this problem to me. So there’s clearly something unique to that effect that even old simple mobile phones didn’t have.
Today is that kind of day for me. I’m almost having enough of all the bugs and problems that the 10 III (with SFOS) is tossing at me.
- Alarm didn’t wake me up today. It just skipped the time it was set for without any alarm and it is still active, as if the alarm time didn’t yet come. Bug report? None of my recent bug reports (including broken Calendar alarms) got any response, so why would I fill yet another one?
- Calendar alarms don’t work in certain circumstances (missed an important thing to do). Reported.
- Browser crashes like crazy due to OOM. I’ve been using smartphones since the Nokia Communicator in 2000 or so and I don’t remember any other “built in” application to have ever been that unstable.
- Fingerprint sensor (on this specific device only, as on my XA2U it works perfectly well) is literally driving me nuts. Every now and then it goes into a coma state and stops reacting. Not to mention that in such coma state it eats a lot of power.
- VoLTE “support” that drops me to 2G more often than not, whereas in the same location my wife’s iPhone maintains stable VoLTE calls. Oh yes, it’s called “beta” (for almost a year now) so I guess I should not expect too much from it.
- Add to that the echo issue, excessive power drain and inferior camera support, and it sometimes really just overwhelms.
- And no, the above list does not include a few dozen of other smaller annoyances and bugs that I somehow got used to (many of them also reported and completely ignored).
Edit: Oh, I forgot. That freaking silence (no tone of any kind) when calling someone via VoLTE. This single thing alone makes me want to throw that damn thing against the nearest wall, multiple times a day.
Sorry for my late replay again
It took some time, but i got carddav going from SailfishOS to my radicale server. For now i made an ugly patch to simply disable the redirects for the /.well-known/ directory on the server side. On the client side this 404 response is handled cleanly and a sync is done using the information available from the configuration.
For me this means that i think i finally have everything ready to switch to my X10iii , now i just hope there are no more nasty surprises
@Kea thanks for sharing your experiences. It’s good to know they are (or can be) there, i’ll see if it impacts me when i can actually start using my X10iii.
Well … carddav had enough nasty surprises left . I had a working sync from my FP2 to my server and expected the X10iii to do the same. The backup/restore restored the account config, but after entering the password i got an error. I tweaked the server responses a bit more, and at some point that worked. The account was active but not synced yet.
When i started the sync the GUI asked for a wifi network to connect to (even though it already was connected to the right wifi network) and no request to the server is done.
I this point i decided to abandon carddav and manually transferred the contacts that were unique to the carddav address book.
I’m using rsync to sync my music collection from my server to my phone. On my FP2 the destination was the uSD card which was automatically indexed. On the X10iii i doni’t have that option since i need 2 SIM’s. I created a directory /home/defauluser/Music_rsync (/home/defaultuser/Music is used for music which isn’t rsync’ed) and the sync did it’s thing, but it doesn’t get indexed and doesn’t show up in the media player. What would be the best way to fix this?
Have to say the constant browser crashing is getting very tedious.
Hope to see this high up on the priority list for the next point release…
Yes. I actually never used the SF Browser. But I will happily try it once it is usable.
in the four years i have been using SFOS i have always used firefox, but since i finally got my 10iii working a few months back i have used the SFOS browser.
it was okay initially, but 4.5.18 seems to have made it extremely crash happy.
The I’ll be waiting for SFOS 5.0
Thank you.
I’ve fixed my rsync issue by moving files to /home/defaultuser/Documents/Music_rsync, this seems to be indexed and works as expected.
I just started experimenting with my VPN and it seems to behave different from how i’m used to with my FP2. My VPN is reachable over the internet with an IPv4 address and provides IPv4 and IPv6 access to my own network. IPv4 works(but not as expected) but IPv6 doesn’t work at all. This means IPv6 is still routed to the internet instead of to my VPN, which breaks all dual stack capable applications (which is most of them nowadays ).
IPv4 behaves strange in an other way: After setting up the VPN the default gateway is changed to the VPN, which is good. In order to keep the VPN itself working you need to route your VPN peer’s address to your internet connection, because otherwise this also gets routed into your VPN which obviously does not work. Problem is, this doesn’t happen. It also doesn’t configure the VPN provided DNS server. I worked around these with a script but of course that isn’t ideal.