Sailtrix - Matrix client supporting end-to-end encryption

Probably! I will see after the next version of sailtrix is done (with SAS verification feature)


Development is slow but still ongoing


Hi @HengYeDev ,
And thanks for the Sailtrix app!

I used to enjoy it to backread the OTFC IRC discussions from the IRC bridge.

Recently I started to use matrix more seriously. I have sent verification requests for all my clients I know of. Including Sailtrix.

I assume this has made Sailtrix crash on startup (may be other bug). So:
I can consistently get a crash on startup with Sailtrix.
I want to debug it.
But the configuration is only accesible through sailjail if I understand correctly?

I have set up QtCreator and ran Sailtrix from it but it showed a ‘login’ dialog.

So my question is - if you use a similar workflow - how do you debug the app with its existing configuration? Can I copy it somewhere else so that it is still in use without sailjail?
Or can I attach to the app before starting with QtCreator (since it’s a crash at startup…)


*QtCreator = Sailfish IDE, of course


Just an update:
The login dialog is shown because secrets API returns permission denied here: src/enc-util.cpp · master · Sailtrix / Sailtrix · GitLab

I don’t know if it is a feature of secrets daemon to do that when you’re under a debugger, but there you go.

I have nailed my problem down through printf debugging and opened a PR which may or may not be correct: Always construct account (!34) · Merge requests · Sailtrix / Sailtrix · GitLab
The situation I was into (don’t know how) was that I was not having the pickle-jar.aes file but I did have the secrets stored.


@ [HengYeDev]

Thank you for working on this app.

Q - Is there a reason why I still receive SFOS notifications on receipt of a new message, even after the app has been uninstalled?

If I click on it, i get a blank white window in the SFOS task manager / desktop.
Having re-installed the app to see if I could configure the notificiations, I still only get a blank white window.
Not quite sure how to fix this.

killall harbour-sailtrix should do it

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If anyone is having issues with the upgrade to Sailfish 4.5, please see below:


In case people didn’t notice the app made it to the official store. Huge thanks to HengYe.




I can’t login to Sailtrix using SSO with GitLab. After I type in my homeserver, I either get a white blank screen or the GitLab page „Checking your browser before accessing“ which stays indefinetely.

Has anyone an idea what could be the problem?
(I also opened an issue on Sailtrix’ GitLab )

seems like a cloudflare issue. not sure but need to look into this.

is it fine in the browser?

What do you mean exactly? If I can connect to GitLab via the Browser?

Anyone getting an:

Error Host requires authentication


Edit: Nevermind. A logout and logging back in fixed it.

Yes. Afaik they use the same engine

Hi, since I can not log in anymore. If I put in username like there is a red warning symbole at the end. (Rephone / Volla22)

I found it out. Server adress is not just Works now. :relaxed:


Thank you for your work. Any word on adding account verification?

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Has anyone tried using Sailtrix with the Beeper service? I’ve managed to get a password and have the service working via Element and the Nheko Matrix desktop app for Linux but I guess something’s going wrong with the encryption with Sailtrix. I’ve managed to “verify” my Sailtrix session with the emoji check, and it shows as a verified session on Element, but I’m still unable to actually see any messages. The rooms show up and I can type in them (And the messages do show up), but that’s about as far as it goes.

Interestingly the one room I have that’s actually a regular Matrix room, which is the “Beeper Community” chat, works perfectly. It’s just the bridged rooms that don’t seem to want to work.

Anything I can do to help try and fix this? I had hoped this would be my gateway to not using 5 different Android apps just to chat to people like the good old days!