Sailfish Community News, 4th April 2024 - Blogs

lol. i was being sarcastic. every comment on this thread, 3 out of 3 at the time and now 5/5, is about the ports. sorry for the non-constructiveness, i was just amused by the eagerness of the community.


Maybe this is the most exciting thing for some people for the last couple of years.

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oh yea, i’m not making fun of them, i AM one of them (got a IV ready to go just in case). i just found the uniformity funny.


Thank’s for featuring Screen Usage Monitor!
Most likely because of this post, the app got some attention and I now have already some contributions on GitHub which is very nice!

I plan to release an update in the coming days, including the requested icon resize (which has already been merged) and some translations.
I also plan to add the app to Chum once I’m able to obtain an account there.


It is not about when the ports are going to appear but about when can we be told which device(s) will be supported. Not a problem of waiting (as long as it takes), but of being able to get one of those devices while they’re still available, which in case of the 10 IV is becoming a real challenge.

As per this post of @rainemak from February 5th, an update in this regard was to be shared “on community meetings and/or newsletters in coming weeks”. So two months later I dare to merely ask whether there are any news.


Well that’s not the last info. Here is stated, that big steps were made to support them both.

Finally, as the EULA update release notes generated discussion about Sony Xperia 10 IV and 10 V, those two devices deserve a comment as well. Previous thinking still holds, it’s either both of them or neither . That said, we have taken great steps forward since communicated last time and current thinking is that it is possible to support them both – we’ll keep you posted.

But I agree with you, it would be nice to have it less vague.


They announced the 10 III before echo cancellation issues were fixed and given the amount of complaint given by community for this issue since it was an “officially supported device” I don’t blame Jolla for not wanting to announce the next device as officially supported until all issues have been fixed.


This blog is really interesting to read, but unfortunately the “more posts” link at the bottom of @piggz’s oFono blog overview page (which lists the blog posts) contains a wrong link target to the “Introduction” page (which is about Adam Pigg’s personal intro / bio, but not his oFono blog), thus older posts are not accessible by mouse clicks.

While I was not able to determine the correct target of this link, older blog posts can be accessed by changing the number at the end of the HTML link, down to 2 (i.e. back to “day 2”): The introductory page (i.e. “day 1”) is at

P.S.: @piggz, it would be nice if you rectify aforementioned “more posts” link, making older blog entries much more easily accessible.

I suppise that this reduces the user base. I really need to update my HW soon. Will not buy a Sony unless certain that it will be sfos supperted officially. Buying a non-Sony would be the last nail in coffin. Sadly.


That makes sense. Or maybe it doesn’t. Witch non-Sony Device do you expect to be officially supported?

which would mean never.


I just noticed this myself. @piggz, I’ve been using PicoCMS for ages, might be able to help if you can’t figure it out yourself.

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Ill take you up on that, i had a quick look but didnt figure it out!


Witch non-Sony Device do you expect to be officially supported?

Lineageos and friends support quite a lot of devices, officially. And of course there is the preinstalled option too… I would like to use sfos, but at some point the need of a working device becomes too urgent to ignore.

Managed to fix the paging on my blog


@piggz, thank you very much, though a minor issue remains: The sorting order on page 2 is slightly broken, the entry on 2024-04-12 “Sailfish and Ofono - Day 12 - Feedback” is displayed last. There seems to be something special about this specific entry: AFAICS it is only this single entry which is “out of (sorting) order” and IMHO its date is also wrong; apparently it should be 2024-03-20 (instead of 2024-04-12).

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thanks, fixed. the date in the .md file somehow got commented out


Thank you!
Yes, this is working fine now.

Edit: Now I discovered that your first blog entry links to the RSS feed of your blog. The content of the very first entry on 04 Aug 2018 is available only there as part of the RSS feed! You may want to create a separate entry for this first blog entry of your (new) blog.

BTW, the first entry of @piggz’ blog reads as follows:

Welcome back to my blog after being offline for 2 years, since the drupal instance I was running was hacked with a crypto miner!

I finally got around to setting up a pico_cms instance on Nextcloud, so lets see how this works out!

So, what have I been doing lately? After I was successfully crowd-funded a new Amazfit GTS watch, i've polished up the support for it a bit more in Amazfish, my watch app for Sailfish, and while I was at it, I added basic support for a few other models which use basically the same protocol. These are untested, but should have basic functionality. A lot of the protocol implementation is taken from GadgetBridge, the android app, so, if GB supports it, I should be able to make it work.

Also recently we got some great support from the Lima GPU mesa developers in getting the driver to work on Sailfish. This was likely due to a compiler bug in the GCC version used on sfos, which meant the following code returnd 0 on sailfish, where it should be 4.

union u { int i; float f; }; int main(void) { union u test, test2, res; test.i = 4; test2.f = 1.0f; res.f = test.f * test2.f; printf("%f %.8x\n", res.f, res.i); return 0; }

The new improved driver brought a revived effort back to the sailfish port for the Pinephone, and the team have made great improvements over the last few weeks.

BTW, I would be really interested to read a blog entry about your blog: Its software setup, why you decided to use Pico CMS and which other ways of publishing a blog you evaluated before making this decision, configuration details, what it took to make the “More Posts” link working as intended etc.


I have been considering to start blogging years ago, but that idea always had low priority, because of the hassle I expect when setting up and configuring a software stack which allows me to blog. (BTW, “No”, I do not want to use a pre-configured “platform” somebody else runs, I want to control the software stack myself, though I may decide to run it at GitHub etc. in a self-controlled manner.) Additionally I always asked myself, “Who would be really interested in the stuff I think about and deal with”, but realising how eagerly I consume your and @flypig’s blog activities, I concluded that there may be sufficient interest. I already went through software evaluation a few times and the Hugo static site generator scored best for my criteria (others suggested Beautiful Jekyll and many more). Hence I am interested what advantages Pico CMS may have in comparison and how much effort it took you to employ a working software stack for blogging.


Im not sure it needs a full blot entry on the subject.
I too have heard about hugo, and if i was to set things up again, there would be a good chance I would use that. The reason I used pico cms, is that my site just runs on a nextcloud instance, and there was a pico_cms app available to make setting up the blog relatively simple. After several upgrades of NC, the pico_cms app is now unsupported, so I definitely wouldnt recommend this setup now, though, a standalone pico_cms may be better supported. I had to hack at the nextcloud app code to get it to work somewhat properly. Hopefully in the future there will be an upgrade to fix the compatibility, but until then, I wouldnt recommend a nextcloud/pico based blog.

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