[Release notes] Tampella

It do not , register, I will contact my phone company tomorrow.

How can the telephone company helps us to be registered ? Its also not register in my case

Updated today. Searching with address bar in the browser tries to open an URL.

I do not have that search problem any more with neither on Jolla C2 nor on Xperia 10 II. I had that problem with on Xperia 10 II.

In my case my provider did not offer VoLTE despite my belief. There’s topic for many operators. Search will tell more.

I upgraded my 10 III OTA without any problems. Telephone, SMS, VoLTE, Wireguard (after installation of the related packages), WiFi, Mobile Data: Everything works like a charm.

Thanks for the good job. I am happy.


GPS fix for XA2 is now very fast …! Thanks a lot
its overall GUI is also got improved performance and its less laggy

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Volte not activated on Aland Islands but that does not explain why I cannot make any calls forcing 3g do not help. Messages goes through and recieves but no calls not incoming not outgoing.The phone does not connect to the voice netvork.

Does your phone shows 3G on the top? Did you set that with “Preferred network”? What about signal level?

3G network is disabled nowadays (EU wide maybe). You can use 2G connection for calls/SMS until VoLTE works.

Oh, 3G works in Åland but not 2G. Other way around in Finland Avveckling 2G och kopparnät | Ålcom

Yapp shows 3g with full strength

That said the phonebook is nuts turns off when I push call and sais no network

I will now do a clean install, lets see what happens.Report i one hour??

clean install fixed it but this idiot did not make an copy of your personal data

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We learn all the time. It’s not easy to do a robust and flawless backup method.

10 III - Pure maps (from chum) crashing often, almost every action ends in crash. Unusable.
Chum - Cannot update repositories

There are solutions for both issues.

Could you point me to such solutions?

  1. Install OSM scout server and enable the offline profile in pure maps (iirc turn on airplane mode until you enable the profile)
  2. Settings → set the version to 4.6

The search functionality seems to be broken in some way. Console shows the following error when starting up the browser:

JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/SearchService.jsm, line 1272: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: SearchService initialization failed

Could I reset the search/browser somehow?

Battery Buddy does not work anymore. It worked before the update. I could press start and it would reduce the charging to 1000mA. Now pressing start does nothing. The start button does not even react.