I guess not, flashing was not necessary when Aas was upgraded to 9 and also not to 11
- WireGuard VPN support added — can be manually installed on 5.0.0.
Yeah! But HOW?
Documentation is silent on this, nowhere so much as a peep about Wireguard besides it being now allegedly available. Or am I seeing this correctly that connman-plugin-vpn-wireguard and jolla-settings-networking-plugin-vpn-wireguard simply superseeded the earlier version I installed from OpenRepos?
Which would mean I can remove wireguard-go and wireguard-tools, right?
| Sailfish OS (Tampella)
[root@jolla defaultuser]# pkcon search wireguard
Searching by details
Installed connman-plugin-vpn-wireguard-1.38+git12.1-1.32.1.jolla.aarch64 (installed) Connection Manager Wireguard VPN plugin
Available connman-plugin-vpn-wireguard-0.4-1.aarch64 (openrepos-javitonino) Connman plugin for Wireguard VPN
Available connman-plugin-vpn-wireguard-0.5-1.aarch64 (openrepos-javitonino) Connman plugin for Wireguard VPN
Installed jolla-settings-networking-plugin-vpn-wireguard- (installed) Settings plugin for Connection Manager WireGuard
Available jolla-settings-networking-plugin-vpn-wireguard-0.1-1.noarch (openrepos-javitonino) Settings plugin for Wireguard VPN
Available jolla-settings-networking-plugin-vpn-wireguard-0.4-1.noarch (openrepos-javitonino) Settings plugin for Wireguard VPN
Available jolla-settings-networking-plugin-vpn-wireguard-0.3-1.noarch (openrepos-javitonino) Settings plugin for Wireguard VPN
Available jolla-settings-networking-plugin-vpn-wireguard-0.2-1.noarch (openrepos-javitonino) Settings plugin for Wireguard VPN
Installed wireguard-go-0.0.20220316-1.aarch64 (installed) Userspace implementation of WireGuard in Go
Installed wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.aarch64 (installed) Required tools for WireGuard, such as wg(8) and wg-quick(8)
Upgrade on x10iii without any problems.
The phone is significant faster, thank you very much!
It did work for me today on a walk without WiFi. But I do need to test more.
Correct, due to possible errors we saw on AppSupport 13 migration from Android 11 for all devices, we didn’t release yet AppSupport 13 for all supported devices. We’re working to get as smooth as possible migration from AppSupport 11 to AppSupport13 for the next major release. If all goes well, it may land in the upcoming update in the coming months.
Thank you very much! The C2 can now as a daily driver for me!
Regarding the 10V the documentation says:
So I am slightly confused. Does the 10V now has AppSupport? I’d bet, this is a mistake…
Still no image for the DC72
It is a kind of a mistake. Take it as the goal.
It went fine with 10 III. Everything I’ve checked so far is working nice. Device feels faster I must say.
I Also, for the first time flashed my 10 V with this new release. Im suprised with gps. It works amazingly well without any android support. Much better than 10 III, exponentially better than XA2. First fix indoors only on wifi with no sim inserted took like 15 seconds.
Did jolla do something or gps module in 10 V is that good?
Are the improvements regarding microG tied to the AppSupport upgrade, or do we get those already with the current version?
Good question. I thought, I can install microG from the Jolla store, but I couldn’t find it…
one thing i spotted on .61 is Pure Maps.
i get it from the Jolla store, because i can’t be fussed to keep on fixing chum after an upgrade. (my problem, not yours)
it used to run fine, with the with warning that it runs fuller-featured from chum, now attempting to click past the warning just forces an app reload and drops you back at the warning.
Thanks, I know that I could install it by myself. I was referring to the Sailfish Community News, 6th February - FOSDEM '25
There was stated that:
“…Target is that during the spring we’ll bring microG to the Jolla Store and integrate it further to Sailfish OS to install and take into use with a simple click-thru-UI – surely there will be intermediate releases in between…”
But of course, during the spring is not yet. So my question is answered
For me it only works when disabling and enabling SIM1 which restarts AppSupport. Just Stop and Start AppSupport is not enough. And it works 100% till now.
Updated my Xperia XA2 Ultra today. Update went fine, only thing that broke is the Meecast events view, but I could fix that. And tons of patches are gone of course, but I’ll just have to wait here.
And Browser works incredibly smooth, even better than AAS Firefox
Thank you!
Well 10III uppdate went well but now I cannot make any calls. Brower works fine and herewego too. Seems wortless when calls do not connect. Says I have no network thogh it states 4G. I could make calls from history but no aktivation from there. Just waiting for next uppdate.
Is VoLTE registered?
Today the update offered version and update was successful. No problems observed with the new version.