C2 VoLTE provider support

After you have installed Sailfish OS or newer to your C2, please share your experiences by filling out your provider details in the table below. This way we get a clearer picture of VoLTE functionality with C2.

✓ = works, and stays on 4G connection during call or message delivery
✕ = doesn’t work or drops out to 3G or 2G
? = not tested (preferably try to test all things before reporting)

Also, if possible, compare the behavior on other Sailfish device with VoLTE support (like Xperia 10 III), or refer to the existing VoLTE provider support list, and mark it in the compared column

✓ = same, or better
✕ = different, or worse
? = no comparison

Country Provider Registered Voice in Voice out SMS in SMS out MMS in MMS out Compared
AT S-Budget2 x Voice , Rest ?
AT Bob 4,8 before ? ?
AT YESS 1,4 ? 1 ? 1 ?
BE Orange x x10 x 10 ?
BG Yettel ? ? ?
CH Salt ? ? ?
DE Blau (Telefonica) ?
DE Congstar (Telekom) x x x x x x x x
DE O25,7
DE Telekom
DE Wetell1,3 x
DK 3 x x x
DK Yousee
DK (Tele2 SE11) ? ? ?
EE Telia ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
FI Elisa
FI Moi ?
FI Telia
FR Auchan Telecom; Voice
FR Coriolis Voice
FR orange Pro; Voice
FR Vodafone ?
HU Telekom ? ?
IE Three x x x x
IT Iliad x x x x x ?
PL Orange x ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
PL Plus
PL Play
PL T-Mobile x ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
PT Vodafone ?
PT (Tele2 SE11) ? ? ?
RO Vodafone1 x x ?
SE Fello (Telia)
SE Tele2 6 6 ?
SE Telia
SE WiFog (Tre) x x x x x x x ?
SI Bob4 9 x x x10 x10 10
SI Hot4 x ?
SI Telekom ?
UK GiffGaff ? x
UK Lebara x ?
UK O212 x ? ? ? ? ? ? ?12
UK Three x x ?
UK Vodafone ?

1 Operator does not support MMS anymore
2 Network: T-Mobile + tele.ring (MCC232/MNC3)
3 Network: Vodafone
4 Network: A1
5 It seems that there is a fix for O2 MMS settings.
6 MMS stuck on Sending.../Waiting... until mobile data is disabled
7 MMS Sending and recieving, at least from SFOS to SFOS, was possible without any fix.
8 SMS toggling: sometimes receiving does not work, sometimes sending.
9 It seems that improved the situation but not yet fully functional
10 Untested or not enough tested in yet
11 Roaming on only works with certain operators - likely those that still have a 2G/3G network, since phone never registers for VoLTE on any of the available local operators
1202 PAYG - Top icon shows as 4G, tests work, but 4G calling shows as Not registered and Netmon VOLTE shows that VOLTE is not active. The latest information that I can find is that O2 PAYG does not offer VOLTE


Shouldn’t we add a date column?


(20 characters)

Edit: Looks like it was reverted? :thinking: Guessing some saved over the edit.

Guess it was an edit conflict between me filling in the test result and you adding the column

Please keep the alphabetical order.

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Country Provider Registered Voice in Voice out SMS in SMS out MMS in MMS out Compared
DE Telekom ? ?

Can’t test MMS
Hotspot works perfectly
Compared to the X10III, I think the VoLTE runs much better

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Not sure how usefull the date would be. If the status changes it changes, and in the end this mostly for gathering some kind of overall picture of this short term “beta” test.

And yeah, watch out for the edit conflicts, I guess discourse does not handle those wery well.

Sailfish OS version:
SIM provider and country: S-Budget, AT (T-Mobile/Magenta/tele.ring)
Network provider and country (if roaming): -
Number of SIM cards in use and in which slot: 1 / 1

Country Provider Registered Voice in Voice out SMS in SMS out MMS in MMS out Compared
AT S-Budget* x ?


  • Voice In drops to 2.5G while call is incoming but does not ring, call is being dropped to mailbox/voicemail

  • App “Netmon VoLTE” sais “SMS capable: NO”

  • after Voice In drops to 2.5G, goes back to 4G, but LTE registration fails. Going in and out of flight mode makes registration work again

  • Network operator name is displayed on Lock Screen, but not in SIM Settings or Mobile Network SIM selector. Shows up as ‘Unknown’.

  • signal strength is always ‘100’ in Netmon VoLTE and collectd/systemdatascope.

Unisoc VoLTE implementation doesn’t have separate SMS support and SMS messages are always handled via regular radio interface.

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Sailfish OS version:
SIM provider and country: Hot SI
Network provider and country (if roaming): -
Number of SIM cards in use and in which slot: 1 / 1

On A1 network Hot don’t seems to register VoLTE properly as the indicator just pulsates.
According to web pages of provider it should work. I did activate payable VoLTE option.
On startup SIM needs to be disabled and reenabled to be recognized. Maybe because of:

JollaC2 ofonod[19929]: Requested file structure differs from SIM: 6fb7

Country Provider Registered Voice in Voice out SMS in SMS out MMS in MMS out Compared
SI Hot #1 x x x x x ?

Sailfish OS version:
SIM provider and country: Bob SI
Network provider and country (if roaming): -
Number of SIM cards in use and in which slot: 1 / 1

On A1 network Bob don’t seems to register VoLTE properly as the indicator also just pulsates.
According to web pages of provider it should work natively.
SIM is recognized properly on startup.

Country Provider Registered Voice in Voice out SMS in SMS out MMS in MMS out Compared
SI Bob #1 x x x x x ?

Will test more, collect and send the logs for both.

Edit: use of Keto’s template.
Edit2: more details added

What is the expected state of 4g mobile data? It is not included in the table for obvious reason but it does not work in my case.

Country Provider Registered Voice in Voice out SMS in SMS out MMS in MMS out Compared
UK GiffGaff ? x

I’ve compared it with 10iii, (it seems VoLTE on 10iii cannot send out sms). Sending out an MMS on C2 has failed with “Problem with sending message”.

4g mobile data should work, if it doesn’t work on some network logs might be helpful.

Worked for me on a second try. Is this a repeat attempt or “just” once? (tbf, it’d be nice if it retried automatically once or twice if it failed the first time).

on 10iii I had to switch to 3G to send out an sms, C2 can receive and send sms on 4G (VoLTE) with no issues. C2 failed to send an MMS, I did try twice.

Installed as described, inserted SIM into slot 2 and tryied SMS, MMS, call, hotspot. Everything worked, I can browse during the call, I can have hotspot during the call. Status 4G all the time.

Country Provider Registered Voice in Voice out SMS in SMS out MMS in MMS out Compared
SI Telekom ?

BUT! After short time (about 30 minutes) of testing, problems started. In that moment, I had SIM in slot 1. Photo via MMS not received (spinnig icon), but received when mobile data become disabled. Suddenly, cellular netwok settings removed. Finally, SIM is not recognized anymore in any slot. Utility to restart network subsytem does not help.

I think that VOLTE is implemented nicely, because it worked OK until something else broke. I observed similar situation (SIM not recognized after some time) also before, when I tryied SIM after initial setup (version 21, no VOLTE).

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I had no 4g data just after installation of volte packages but I left the phone for some time and it worked. I cannot reproduce this problem, maybe it was something network related.

Ok, good to hear. Please report if you have issues with mobile data later.

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For now it seems that A1 is still the only network that doesn’t register. I sended the logs. I hope that it’s enough. If not just ping me.

@filip.k Could you verify that you have that ofono-vendor-unisoc-radio-plugin package installed?