Who us screaming? NOT ME. It was just a observation. So take it easy.
I rest my case.
The 3 times !!! Is because i have a Sony Xperia 10!!! or must that be a Xperia 10iii .
If you take a look for example at Sony’s website, they are capital "i"s to indicate, that the phone is the third version of the model 10, written in Roman numerals.
Ok, didn’t no that. Thanks.
Since with the new browser I can not login into websites with BasicAuth. When entering the credentials and selecting “Save them”, the browser does not try to login with the provided credentials. But when the “Save” option is not selected then the login steps works (but without saving the credentials, so forced to enter it every time). Anyone with the same issue?
Hello, the upgrade from to went straight forward on xperia 10 II, but now I get on the WLAN : “limited” while the browser is surfing without issues.
Any idea how to solve that?
Thank you
The issue was the WIFI router, sorry for the bother
2025-02-24: OS version “Tampella” was released as an over-the-air update for all supported Sailfish OS device users. Installable images are available at Jolla shop.
upgrade went smoothly, xperia 10 iii. this issue still is there though: [] Android AppSupport crashes at any activity after upgrade to Sauna - #48 by burak
No problems when installing update.
have just this morning reflashed my old 10iii to 4.6.15 this afternno!
and at the same time flashed a 10ii to 4.6.15 that i had lieing around.
You are up to date
i really am now,, with working mobile data on android apps on my 10iii, so all looking good.
Its seems that the credentials are stored but not used. Not after the first usage and not after further consecutive visits of the same website. This also explains why the new browser did not used the available credentials in the password store that worked in the browser before the update to SFOS 5.x. Anyone with the same issue?
Webview apps are also affected …
The mobile data app support for android apps is still not working, correct? Main issue for me tu use my C2 as daily driver.
Time to upgrade my backup Xperia 10, let’s see if it explodes or not
EDIT: No explosion, upgraded just fine. Same with C2.
So AppSupport 13 WILL be made available later in an update for all the devices or at least the latest ones. Will one need to reflash the phone?
Can not update my brand new C2. Error message: Can not determine size of update.
About product says: Build, but the Sailfish update offers older version
How to fix?