[Release notes] Struven ketju EULA update

What does this point release actually bring?

There is nothing i spotted in the post above (from 19H ago).
The link to the blog is from the original 4.5.0 release a year ago.

Colour me confused…

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Nothing just a change in the eula, in preparation for the next 4.6


@PeegeeTips It only makes sure that your use of software is governed by the new updated End User License Agreement before they give you the next big update with some actual software content.


Download just times out in establish connection…

But it’s possible to flash directly Sauna when it goes live on device without this update? I don’t have the phone right now. That’s my point :wink:

@Valorsoguerriero97 You’ll agree with the EULA when you do that. The new EULA is going to be a part of Sauna. This is kind of sneak agree.


Correct, it could be thought so that already this can be flashed when needed. Sauna release contains EULA as well - very likely the same.


Ahhh Got it. I was thinking that every Jolla account should’ve opt in with this Eula otherwise would not be allowed to run Sauna or something like that :joy: now it’s clear.

I would guess it’s not too far away from the truth that as you now “opt in” with the new EULA by updating to this release, then they at Jollyboys have zero imaginable potential legal issue in allowing you to receive Sauna as an over-the-air update through your running operating system on your phone with all the legal business already being out of the way.

Thank you @rainemak for ignoring my request to you (while responding to numerous other posts).

Even though it got instantly censored / hidden (was it by you?), it got the most likes all posts in this thread (11 at the moment), which clearly shows that it is a question that’s very important to many people in this community. But you (Jolla) keep proving that you don’t care about such things, do you?

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Is there a need to repeatedly attack Jolla staff? Companies don’t release such information until they’re sure… for obvious reasons.

Your post shouldn’t have been hidden.

I’d also like a clear statement that open parts of SF will remain open.


@wetab73, no I didn’t hide that. Actually just unhide it. It’s a valid question. I’ve been saying many times that we keep community informed and I do my best to hold on that. Thank you for your understanding.


Thank you very much, @rainemak. Let’s hope that some information can be disclosed soon as literally the last units of 10 IV vanish from stores as we speak, and the 10 V is getting low on stock, too. Lots of us will be very grateful if we can make a conscious (rather than blind) choice of which phone model to buy while they’re still available. Thank you.

P.S. It is not obvious whether the 10 V will be supported, considering that AOSP binaries for the 10 V have NOT been published by Sony yet, unlike 10 IV binaries available since 2022.


They announced it 20 October 2023: Sony´s Open Devices Program welcomes Xperia 10 IV and 10 V | Developer World

And released it 2 November 2023: Software binaries | Developer World


Oh, that’s great, thank you. So it looks that the list on their Open Devices portal has not been updated.



Funnily enough the page you linked to under: Useful links → Kernel version is updated.

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Indeed :slight_smile: Well, there isn’t much differences between the IV and V so hopefully both will be supported. Anyway, for reasons that wouldn’t interest anyone here so I won’t elaborate on them, I will need to make a blind choice and get one of them within the next few days… I hope it’ll be a hit rather than a miss.


Come to think of it; should an EULA be acknowledged by the user?
I dont recall clicking on any “I AGREE” buttons in the latest update? Is the EULA valid and binding in this situation?

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In the EULA it is written in section Sailfish OS Terms of Use:

You agree to these terms by downloading or using Sailfish OS, any included additional components and all documentation (“Software”) or by clicking on the “Accept” button next to this Agreement when downloading, installing and/or using the Software.


You did though, when you chose “INSTALL” after reading “By installing this software update, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the terms outlined in the Sailfish OS End User License Agreement”.

(At least I’m assuming this is about what the update info said. I have no idea how it goes if you update through Terminal.)