[Release notes] Sauna

My df -h shows that I am using 611.4MB out of 820.6MB in /opt

I did a du -ax /opt | sort -nr, the biggest file is indeed system.img, and the /opt/qt5 folder has a total size of ~230MB. The biggest file under /opt/qt5 is /opt/qt5/lib/libQt5WebEngineCore.so.5.15.17, which is around 80MB, like one-third of the whole /opt/qt5.

I do not recall installing additional Qt5 libraries / modules by myself - I seldom do such kind of things. Still puzzled…

You mean, a Sailfish OS native Telegram client app?

I’m puzzled how this is an All Access release and not early access/beta.

I got a long list of core packages (libhybris-*, busybox-*, appsupport-*, sailfish-version* and some others) that I have to remove to proceed with the update, while I may be able to deal with that on my own if we want a broader appeal this really shouldn’t happen.

Also last time I had to remove appsupport to update it messed up my app grid, at the very least there should be a way to revert to the layout with android apps the moment app support returns to the phone instead of forcing a complete rebuild.

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That’s Angelfish and dependent qt5.15 packages

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Just wait a week. Last general public update also broke my phone, despite not being early access

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I don’t think you should remove those, it will break your phone


Full Flash for the win (keep Stopversion in Mind in case of Factory-Reset)

Thank you for publishing the beta versions of Xperia 10 V images. Now I was able to easily install it on my device!!!

Great. Also already purchased another license in order to support you and get Android App Support as soon as it is available. How can I link the license with my 10 V device? Or will it eventually just work, if I have enough licenses for all my devices listed in my account?

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Oh no, I think you have another legacy device license… The pricing for newer is not yet announced nor in the Shop AFAICS

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Looking at the filename and path, that seems to be part of Qt 5.15 packages available from Chum. Perhaps you tried Angelfish which pulled those in? Try running this command to see of that could be the case:

pkcon search qt --filter installed | grep 5.15
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Oh. :see_no_evil: I think, you’re right. Should have read before…

Will ask Jolla, if they can refund me or change the purchase to the other licensing model… If not, it’ll be a donation I guess…

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yeah, probably it will delete all the medias helping you

since it’s telegram, you can then redownload everything if you need it

The script for g sevices must be runned again.Otherwise app support daemon restarting itself every 10 seconds.All good after script is used again.

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in short: you don’t have to manually remove anything, simply confirm the message and let the installer proceed.

TLDR: the installer tells you, that you should remove the old packages but this is only a wrong wording. It means really that the installer will do so. You haven’t to do anything, simply proceed by confirming the message. This issue is an old one. I’m more than 5 years with SFOS and had this message occuring most times on updating. I always ignored the message and proceeded and could successfully update, except one time a few years ago. This time I really removed the mentioned packages and the result was a completely broken system and I had to reflash.


Has anyone here installed sailfish in Xperia 10 IV? I’ve tried it, but the sound output in all voice calls are through the loudspeaker, I haven’t read about this bug

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I also got this feeling on 10V, but wasn’t sure

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For me I don’t get messages like that every time, but when I do the update fails and I end up running it from CLI or running parts from CLI, as said previously I don’t mind I have been using Linux for a long time but I do wonder how this is a positive user experience for a “normal” user, especially since stuff like removing appsupport instead of upgrading it also messes up the app grid and may cause stress that stuff that is supposed to be there is gone.

If SFOS gets too messy, maybe after long time and many updates, it’s a good idea to reflash the device and set up it new.

That is again a solution for advanced users, I am just pointing out that this should not happen for general access.

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imho in general usage you are right. I also wouldn’t recommend a Sailfish phone to non-tekky people.