[Release notes] Sauna

Nice update! With updated webview verification of ePassi works now :heart_eyes:

Updated my 10iii (itching to do the new install asap!) and can confirm ABC-Mobiili works. Just as @jovirkku promised! Thank you, made charging the EV about 2000% degrees easier :slight_smile:

I am currently on 4.5. Should I first update to before I can proceed with .15?

I donā€™t think so, usually you can update to latest next stop release

Xperia 10III updated from from System Settings.
All went fine, no problems noticed since.
Android networking seems more stable, but the sample is one day long only.

No, directly from 4.5 to
If you upgrade using the phone UI, which is recommended, you need not to worry about stop releases. The UI gives you the next correct release.

I really hoped that the port would go smoother than this. My 10 V is collecting dust :frowning:
At least the phantom drain is very low, so it can sit there for another 3 month just fineā€¦

As @adekker has mentioned, upgrading from CLI should work. I have used sfos-upgrade | OpenRepos.net ā€” Community Repository System and found out I had some garbage I left on /opt (not /opt2) that was preventing the upgrade, cleared that, and sfos-upgrade proceeded nicely. I donā€™t know if that would have fixed the GUI update too. When it failed like I pictured, there was no way for me to grab logs, connecting the USB cable triggered a reboot ;(

I think I updated my daily driver to .15 with esr91 installed, and it didnā€™t cause any issues during the update. However, I couldnā€™t open any emails until I had updated to esr91 again (a brief white email content element followed by the ambience background showing though). I didnā€™t really have time to debug it at the time so I just downloaded the updated packages flypig made and installed them.


This is a good data point, thanks for sharing!

I think I may have the same problem - I tried sfos-upgrade and it complained that 225MB needed in /opt filesystem.
How would I know what can be cleared under /opt? I checked the files there and not sure what can be removed safelyā€¦ :thinking:

So did I, but I didnā€™t suffer the email consequences you describes.
I think Iā€™m going to update esr91 anyway. Just to be sure.

Done the update on the Jolla C, itā€™s all okay. Is this the last update in 4.6 branch?
On the Jolla C there are some bugs with Instagram Lite, like wrong orientation on the camera, and generally low audio and often wrong focus while recording videos.

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to me, this is, the second most important SFOS release ever, right after the 4.5 one with VoLTE that meant i could make phone calls again after 2G shutdown.

in, i was restarting aliendalvik and ofono so often, that i set up a shortcut in sfbm for triple-clicking the camera/assistant button. needed to do it every couple of hours, plus every time i left the house or came home.

it has now been almost a full day, and ofono has not crashed even once. glorious! <3


Sorry, I only got 4MB needed on my Xperia 10 (1st), and I found in /opt an application which I probably moved/linked from before the root partition enlargement and that was it. 225MB sounds like a lot for a partition this small - am I correct that you have appSupport there?

Sony Xperia XCompact updated to latest Release succesfully without problem during update.

It looks like the Internet sharing got broken with this update as it has gotten broken several times before with the updates. Fortunately there was some unofficial wpasupplicant fix somewhere, which will probably fix that problem once again.

Thank you Jollyboys and Thank you to that brilliant programmer who long long time ago made a patch that made it possible to run updates to this officially not supported Sony model. :+1:


Yup, appsupport is there. And within there is this system.img (377.42MB) which appears to be the largest file there. I did not check all the sizes of files under /opt though.

Really not sure what I can remove from thereā€¦

I am having the same issue as you, nahaha. I need 111MB more space to update according to the systemupdate.log. I have the same size for system.img as you.

Iā€™m quite confused about how to free up space as well. /opt/appsupport/rootfs is mounted from system.img, so that doesnā€™t count for space and the next biggest thing is the init directory, but that is just 156 KB. I donā€™t understand where the space is being used. The command df -h . shows that Iā€™m using 497.5MB out of 820.6MB, but if system.img is just 377.4MB, then where is the remaining 120.1MB?

There are no hidden files in /opt either and the other directories (build.prop, vendor, etc, and init) are all really small. Do you see the same thing?

Probably, if youā€™re using a native telegram application, removing that will help you a lot :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the App Support connectivity issues are still not fixed, at least on the Xperia 10 II. I just moved from one mesh WiFi router in my house to another one, and Android apps are once again completely unable to connect to the internet until I restart App Support.

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