[Release notes] Sauna

Thank you for the update! Went smoothly on Xperia X with no immediately obvious regressions. :grinning:

Can confirm, Lidl Plus android app now functions without closing up immediately after starting it.


@jovirkku Should the mobile network work normally on the Xperia 10 V? I have Elisa’s 5G and the phone works on the mobile network, but the connection is lost after a while, even though the mobile network icon is still in the notification area. If you turn off the mobile network for a while and then turn it back on, the connection will work again for a while. WLAN works normally.

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U should try to chance data access point protocol from dual to ip.
From the settings → cellular network → data access point
Did the trick for me.


after a few days, i am sad to report that the mobile-network-on-android-issue is NOT completely fixed.
i lose internet on android, and the quickest way to recover it is to restart aliendalvik. worse, once android loses network, if i change mobile data from IPv4 => IPv6, ofono STILL crashes in a loop.

connectivity is, however, much much better than (ofono does not seem to crash on its own anymore, so i wont miss calls if im not paying attention), but networking is not anywhere near as good as i sincerely hope that 5.0 fixes this terrible regression.


I’ve just opened a thread about this bug:

People who has this phone can comment there about this bug.

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Yes, it appears to work quite well. I have the Telia 5G/4G on my phone. I have noticed the mobile data connection break unexpectedly once in the last few days. In general, it keeps working well.

There was a report somewhere in this Forum saying that Xperia 10 IV tends to lose the IP address quite often on mobile.

Let’s follow how the new phones work.


Sorry for the late answer. In my case, “audio below” and “audio above” tests failed too.
EDIT: indeed, recording sound doesn’t work either

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Good Idea to collect the info how the new Xperias IV and V work.
Shall we do this in this thread or a separate one??

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On my Xperia 10 V (XQ-DC54), audio below and audio above tests failed too and recording sounds doesn’t work. However voicecalls do work.


I have opened two threads for the feedback on the two new devices:


Thanks! This seems to be a solution, or at least the mobile network is disconnected less often. Needs more test days…

I can relate to that. Although for me it is not thst bad anymore: Internet access for Android is still gone when moving (but not THAT often as before), and it is almost guaranteed that simply switching mobile-data off and on again will help. This wasn’t the case with the previous version, where I experienced all kinds off ‘levels’ for a workaround (above mentioned mobile-data switch, flight-mode on and off, restart of Aliendalvik, restart of phone and in extreme cases even switching mobile-data off an on again right after reboot… ).
So, the tedious recovery is gone, the annoying loss of service remains.
Is that progress? Yeah, I’d think so. Less than I hoped for, but its better now.
So thanks Jollyboys, but please: keep this under review! :wink:

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Does the change in partition layout also happen by updating or only in case of a new flashing process?

switching mobile on/off does not generally help me (android stays not connected, while sfos stays connected)
(restarting aliendalvik fixes it every time)

Lucky, my Xperia 10 III update from to faild. After reboot, it said “update failed” and started with 4.6.13. updating at the command line failed too. “DBus call faild …”

I just clicked Settings/OS Update/Download, and it has started downloading, showing message ‘Downloading update…’ under Sauna picture, but it has stucked quickly, the light on the picture moved only a few pixels to the right.
I restarted it a couple of times, but it always ends like this.
I have 904 MB of free space on /dev/sailfish/root.
I have XA2 Dual and current runs good.
How to proceed?
Thanks for help.

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Maybe be more patient?
It sometimes takes sone time.
Good luck.

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You know, i sometimes think that jolla’s servers must be on a 4g connected raspberry pi, as i always have the same problem…


I have the same problem on my XA2 right now.