[Release notes] Sauna

Updated went fine, but required some unwanted steps ([Bug] /usr/libexec/sailfish-osupdateservice osupdate-check sets ssu re - #18 by rtr2001) .

That said, v4.6 behaves well so far, that is, not very much changed compared to 4.5.
Both SFOS and the few Android apps I had (nothing fancy) work ok.
My first eye-observations on 5G:

  • seems unstable: it drops often to 4G despite being static and in a good coverage area.
  • -I’d say it is sensibly heavier on the battery (not a scientific observation)-
    Edit: after some more time with it (no 5G usage), the power consumption is comparable (subjective observation still)
  • BT network sharing/hotspot works. No need to redo the pairing with the carkit in my case.

No regression noticed so far - instead, I’ve quite quickly met some familiar faces - OOM , sound gone, pulseaudio killed and not restarted, etc :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing your experiences: To conclude your post for myself:

upgrade to 4.6 if:

if you are ok with new owner’s terms of service

(which I haven’t forwarded to my legal team to assess yet.)

if you have a specific fix or feature in mind that would make it worth

(I did not see a must have in the release notes - still waiting for Jollyboyz to implement a paid feature: integrated secure communication hub with clients for SIP, XMPP, all your modern video call clients, only for clients in free countries of course, hehe)

if a tester actually confirms the fix / feature to work without introducing new annoyances like battery draining faster

(not saying this is the case as you state but historically in 2024 this is to be expected over smart device industry )

if you have a data backup and/or backup device.

(I have a Xperia X and N900 which I would be happy to be stuck with)

I updated a JollaC, XperiaX and XA2 to without any major disasters.
Jolla E-Mail is now causing me problems.
I have an IMAP account for Arcor (now part of Vodafone).
The good thing is that there are no more synchronization errors.
The bad thing is that E-Mail often doesn’t finish synchronizing.
Even if all the preview lines are displayed, it shows “updating…” in the program and cover.
In this state, you can’t move or delete emails using the context menu. The actions appear to be carried out in the UI but not on the server. Sending newly created emails doesn’t work either.
Sometimes it helps to close the email program and restart it. In the background, the status “updating…” is probably still set somewhere, so that when you start it again, “updating…” is often displayed again. If you want to view and update folders other than the inbox, you have no chance.
Another problem in this context is that when you switch folders and from mail to list view, synchronization starts immediately, even if you have set the “Synchronization rhythm” to “Off” in the account.
For “Synchronized folders” I selected “Inbox only”. To be on the safe side,
I also switched to “Custom” and deselected all folders there and then set it back to “Inbox only”.
In this sense, I would rather have these synchronization errors (timeouts) again ;-).
I have also already deactivated and reactivated the account and also deleted and created a new one, none of this has improved things. I have also deleted the contents of tmp and mail in the .qmf folder.

Does anyone else have problems like this with Jolla E-Mail or am I the only one?

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Hi @vige , when the SDK targets matching 4.6 will be available? I would like to release app updates compiled with C++20, but there is just Early Access variant of build target, that should no be used for public releases on Harbour…


I asked the same question twice (e.g. here) in the past 60 days. Never got an answer.

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Usually it does not matter which point release of a release x.y.z one builds against: On API- and ABI-level they are identical.

E.g. even if a library is fixed (rarely), it is just another patch-level or at most a different point release of that library, which is API-compatible to other point releases of lib-x.y.z.

It would be better to ask that kind of questions from @rainemak. Even better would be asking in Community meeting on 22nd Aug 2024.

I’d say that the EA target can be used just fine for Harbour releases.

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I have seen this behavior often, this is so since years.

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Another problem in this context is that when you switch folders and from mail to list view, synchronization starts immediately, even if you have set the “Synchronization rhythm” to “Off” in the account.

That’s “by design”. It was decided some years ago that when viewing a folder, it should be at the same state than the server one, to avoid confusion. @pvuorela, you may remember our discussion on the matter at that time.

The bad thing is that E-Mail often doesn’t finish synchronizing.

Yes, I’ve seen this behaviour also, and it’s not “by design” ; -) I can’t reproduce it when I want to debug it properly though. But I didn’t give up and I’ll try to fix it one day.


Thanks for your feedback. Have there been any changes to the code recently to prevent timeouts during synchronization? Because they haven’t occurred since…

Does restoring a backup from the memory card still work for you?
For me, the progress bar always stops at “Restoring accounts”.
There is no error message in the LOG. It is a backup of an XperiaX that is to be imported onto an XA2.
This has already been done successfully in the past. I have created the symlink for defaultuser vs. nemo.
I noticed that a backup from June was 1.6GB and one from today is 2.2GB.
But the one from June cannot currently be restored either.