Re-organisation of Jolla company - Off-topic discussion

@olf I cannot even see who and what you are replying to. But I know for sure you are right.

It ist only one or two lifeforms here that ruin whole threads with their walls of complete and utter ehm… text.


Who moderates around these parts and why arent they banning the problem elements?


I think there’s enough moderators to permanently deal with a very small amount of disruptive users. My suspicion is that the forum user account is tied to your Jolla account and therefore permabanning is not so straightforward - or the mods are simply very nice people and do not want to do that. All in all it’s relatively easy to disregard the trolls. Put them on ignore.


I completely agree but some threads become rather disrupted because nearly half the posts are from those individuals. I would greatly appreciate a more active moderation.


Just in this thread, my e-mail box counts 32 comments for which the system notified me. No one of these comments brought any valuable information. Most of these comments have been written by a small number of forum users and @olf is the only one among them that provided some kind of contribution to the SFOS development, AFAIK. These means that everybody else who wrote those 32 comments made just noise here.

About the forum. Since this thread opened, I read just 3 useful contributions:

    • this one by Jolla
    • another advancement report from Jolla
    • a post about a possible SFOS future support for Xperia IV and V which is interesting to know but has no practical value because the hardware support about II and III is not complete enough to compete with XA family therefore I do not see any hopes that it will change something adding IV and V
    • a comment about Pine64 Tablet support advancement

I am not following the thread in German language, but regarding everything in English - in the best scenario - the signal / noise ratio is not more than 3/32 in favor of the noise. Mine posts excluded - obviously - because otherwise would be unfair the S/N accounting by me myself. My educated guess is that S/N is about 1:100 in favor of the noise. More or less the same ratio between the forum users and the developers.

Developers that stopped to support users, BTW. Which was the only reason because this forum has been created in first place and still exists nowadays: supporting the users and let then move on SFOS as smoothly as possible. Which is the reason because my initial effort started in writing a guide (for myself primarily and then for others).

Ask yourself about WHY this forum exists and act accordingly.


The forum software shouldn’t notify you when there’s an update on subscribed threads, or have the number of new posts next to the thread if that post is by an ignored poster, defeats the object of the ignore function

Pot calling the kettle black. This forum is for users, not for trolls.

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AFAICS it works that way, too.

Hey Robang74, what is wrong with you?
You becomes more and more unserious and stupid. Please communicate with peoples you dont like via private channels.
Your behaviour is not compatible with the values of our community.

Sorry, from my point of view you are an intollerant …hole.

If you are not able to argue in a way without insults and threats then take your ass away from our community! !!


Community asked for stronger moderation, now it is time to give them what they asked for.

Stupid desires, stupid outcomes. After all, anarchy is not the absence of rules but giving themselves reasonable rules before others kick in enforcing their own rules.

Written in a different manner: sometimes, it is better a possibly-wrong decision than no any decision at all.


Is… is this a death threat?

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Are you suggesting me that what they did, is so seriously bad? OMG!

I am responsabile just to report the ice peak when I found it - not about what there is underwater below it - but I can understand that sometimes - because IT systems are not 100% secure like not 100% humans are reliable - data leaks and in the recent past happens sometimes. In that case, just god knows the consequences.

Another thread full of hidden replies by one or two liefeforms… :roll_eyes:


Ok, what would be the recommendation after a public threat like this? Would reporting this to moderators be enough (which i already did) or should i go to the proper authorities (which i am a 100% ready to do any day).

Ok, on this side also. I have been reported that they received twice, as they expected for compensation. Feedback: absolute genius. But I do not know who they were refers to.

Tomorrow is another day and the wheel will turn again. Now, I have to go.

Baci dall’Italia. :kissing_heart:

By using “complain” (probably “comply” was meant) and “others people” this could be amusing, if the overall message and wording would not be far beyond any decent manners: Threatening people personally and commanding them.

@Jolla, your policy of non-intervention is obviously an epic fail, as it has become obvious for long: Please act now!


i have this one on my desk … does help

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I haven’t been following the meltdown of our resident trolls for a while - this comes as a genuine surprise to me. It’s definitely gotten worse.

Please, mods/admins, ban this person already! (not sure what the other one is up to right now)


I fully support @robang74

Why are our posts still flagged and hidden without explanation.
Why are some not punished for insulting others and stamping them as trolls , while they are trolling all around the place.
So yeah, the rules apply selectively for what pseudo woke moderators decide to be good or bad.
Either apply the rules to all, or leave it!


@ohnonot my vote against yours. No one should be banned. Just behave with respect to others and you may get respect yourself.

Your behavior does not improve the quality of the conversation. It just provokes “trolling”.
You are also threatening which is extreme - should I call for the admins to ban you?
A lot of you have no basic respect for others opinions. It must be contagious.
The behavior and attitude here is ridiculous.