SFOS refactoring project (news thread)

and also wrote:

He “threatened” people posting things like these (see the screenshot at the end of this comment) in the forum and he left the forum (my job is done here, message) when he decided that the idea of having a completely different approach to the boot image as independent way of dealing with any operative system based on Linux/Android (you can find the architecture in the slides on the SFSCON 2023 presentation). While the reasons of the ban remain unknown apart a comment form the new jolly company that was saying “not bringing any value here but just debates”. Which was true under some point of view because he never released the bootable image code nor any binary about that, just videos.

Considering these facts, we can agree that he made a devastating impact in this forum, in particular on those hoping that finally something real would have happened. But apart few user guides, documentation, slides, speech (video) and poem, nothing that people could make in run on their smartphones. After all, who would have dared to install a bootable image created by a “suspicious outsider” instead of a fully-fledged company? In his shoes, I would do the same thing: here the documentations, do by yourself. Let me guess, the SFOS’ rescue image SSH is still broken and the telnet IP address is still shown in such a small characters that cannot be read? Am I right?

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2 months later: Did someone order a sock puppet?


No, it is not broken and IP address is legible but small.

Sorry, I will try again and be more precise. The SFOS rescue image offers a SSH service configuration and shows a telnet IP banner like it was doing when this photo has been taken? Am I right?

Screenshot from 2024-09-23 23-09-42

Because the font SIZE of that banner is the same size as the “ciao ciao” that you probably missed in the RAF SFOS DEBUG banner screenshot above. On the left top. Please zoom in and confirm to me that the “crazy bastard” threatened the whole forum community by replacing the telnet IP banner with a “ciao ciao” which means “adios” in Spanish or “good bye” in English.

I have been sent here to take a look at his contribution after his account had been frozen and I still remember a shell script to produce an image from a text. Something that reminded me of the ASCII games on '90 consoles or the mu-cow banner on UNIX terminals…

cowsay "ciao ciao"
< ciao ciao >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

Yah, I see why has been considered an outsider. He left behind the cowsay. Very suspicious, a real nerd would never have missed such a command and wrote a shell script, instead. Oops, I just noticed now that SFOS banner-display’s binary cannot show multiple-lines text…

…damn outsider, he always finds a good reason to stay outside the herd!

Can someone ban him again please?
His job is done as he said.


Do you think that it makes sense developing a mobile OS for protecting the users privacy based on a potentially insecure software stack, partially closed source thus preventing that anyone can independently check for vulnerabilities, bugs and backdoors, based on a potentially factory compromised firmware and hardware like the explosive pagers case recently suggested, and relying over telecommunication networks that are likely under surveillance when not also compromised themselves in terms of software, firmware and hardware?

You might answer: we do what we can. Nice of you, almost.

Do you think that it makes sense developing a mobile OS for protecting the users privacy for letting people fully express their fundamental right of free-speech which is in place for saying what the status-quo would not like to listen but not to say anything disjoined from facts and reality AND at the same time asking for ban from the forum someone that replied to a specific comment which reports vague and potentially derogatory statements that people are likely to believe without any fact checking?

Do you see in this specific case, more a problem of incoherence OR a dual-standard issue OR a cancel-culture attitude OR a lack of moderation that allows people being involved in ideological wars, personal debates, strongly political biased activism, OR a combination of all of these elements that are driving people ignoring the content and facts but preferring behaving like “social animals” (Jeff Bezos citation) in a pack?

Just asking, a few questions that might seem outrageous here but in their fundamentals are as much old as the Galileo Galilei - father of the scientific empirical method which nowadays is generally known as learning by doing - trial for heresy. Eppur si muove! (cit.)

Feel free to not answer nor challenge yourselves with these questions as far as they make you feel uncomfortable. It’s your right to feel safe in your comfort zone and the best way to achieve this result is not to consider a threat, other people’s opinions especially those are based on verifiable facts while considering good-night fairy tales, all the others. Just a suggestion, as usual.

If you are still (or again) unemployed and have lots of time, I suggest you take a look at Nemo mobile.
They need your input there. Here your job is done as you said a few months ago.


Selling your precious and limited life-time for money is a thing for poor people. As much poor that they do not even understand this concept and talking about “unemployment”.

Look at the birds on that tree branch, they are not working, they are not busy all the time, they are not in anxiety for tomorrow nor fearing that the branch collapse. While you are, all the time at the point that you got brainwashed by these fears.

Spoiler: because birds trust in their wings and not in other people opinions. I am learning from Nature not from scholars, I admit, this is my original sin. Galileo Galilei docet.

Define “threatened” please.

Oh no!

My experience is that the mental health topic is usually being brought up by people that are a bit, how to say, challenged by themselves.

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Literally threatened to kill people, with a displayed lack of sanity that is evident even here.
Whilst roughly half of people with schizophrenia are not dangerous, the other half do have a habit of hurting people.

For what it’s worth, I’m a psychotherapist with 25+ years clinical experience. Psychiatry doesn’t do many things I respect but they do have to deal with murderous schizophrenics on a regular basis.


My experience is that people dismissing mental health problems as non-existent are plain ignorant.

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What people?

Well that is why I was asking, I do not see a lack of “sanity” in his work here.

It all depends on what people shall be hurt. There is nothing wrong with hurting bad people, these folks often use the ideology of “noone ever should be hurt” to protect themselves from being punished for their behaviour.

Which gives you the ability to diagnose over the internet? Fascinating. But I highly doubt it. For what its worth, I am a shitposter with 15+ years shitposting experience.

It is just a big shit show, nothing more:

You are using the straw man fallacy (which makes you an evil person). I never dismissed mental health problems as non-existent, I just highly doubt that that robang-guy has them.

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I mean people dismissing specific people’s mental health problems.
You are dismissing robang74’s mental health problems as non-existent. I have first-hand experience with various kinds of mental health problems on several people, including myself, and I have a copy of DSM-V at home which I am not afraid to peruse. According to what I see, including personal messages he sent me, robang74 has for sure serious mental health problems.

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You wrote something entirely different.

It is a much more widely used tactic to accuse unpopular people of having mental health problems.

No, I am not, I never wrote something like that. Again, you are attacking me personally and untruthful for simply asking questions.

Please show me a post from him and explain what leads you to that conclusion.

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[quote=“Vince, post:70, topic:16373, full:true”]

You wrote something entirely different.

No, I did not. This was your interpretation of my text.

It is a much more widely used tactic to accuse unpopular people of having mental health problems.

No, it’s not. About 20% of all people have mental health problems. I don’t see 20% of people being accused of having mental health problem for being unpopular. For example, in this forum this share is well below 1%.

No, I am not, I never wrote something like that. Again, you are attacking me personally and untruthful for simply asking questions.

No, I am not attacking you. Now, you are using projection. You attacked me (“this makes you an evil person”) for simply stating what I believe to be the truth.

I don’t have the time nor the interest to do this. If you want to believe that robang74 does not have mental health problems, fine. But this does not entitle you to attack other people on the forum who have solid reasons to believe he does.

Of course you did, you used the straw man tactic.

Mamma mia.

I am not dismissing anyones mental health problems, I never wrote that.

Again, straw man tactic. I did not attack you for stating what you believe is the truth, I attacked you for the lie that I dismissed robangs mental health problems. Do not lie and use the lie as an argument.


I never saw a text from him that gave me that suspicion.

I just want to see these “solid” reasons, nothing more, nothing less.

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PM him, exchange numbers/emails and start talking to see for yourself I suggest.
Then you can come back here with your findings.
Most efficient way without the need for shitposting :slight_smile:


Only a small excerpt still exists, because I quoted it:

Many of his postings are gone due to the cool censoring functions “making this forum a heavenly place”-button (called “flagging”, but means “erasing after a while”).


I like shitposting, my fault. No regrets.

I somehow expected him to either not threaten people at all or make real threats, not such a weak display of neutered dog barking. I will keep my loose mouth shut regarding robang now, thank you for the information.

Please just stop it and dont waste your time for argues about some robgang guy as he saint or not is clearly not worth it.

But community is. Worth your time.
So spend it in more constructive way :slight_smile: