Quick start guide v1.7.3.4


Compass calibration % can be seen also in GPSinfo’s ChangeLog since

  • Mon Nov 25 2019 Matti Viljanen 0.9.0-1

but into Jolla market the v0.8 is still present. Therefore another market for native apps is require to download the last version.

Moreover, doing a oo-loop with GPSinfo running, the compass will be calibrated automatically. This makes the installation of OrienteeringCompass redundant for this aim.

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Mozilla Location Services off-line data are packaged in 6 regions and offered by the Jolla store. Unfortunately, they are not frequently updated. In fact, v0.1.6 was released on 06.05.2021, which at the time I am writing is one year old.

The aim of an off-line MLS data package is to offer a off-line support without the need to update it on-line during the use. The alternative to Jolla packaged MLS data, is to use MLS Manager from Chum market.

MLS Manager app allows you - in a very easy way - to download the data for your country or geographic region of interest. I choose Europe. This will overwrite the Jolla packaged MLS data, if it has been previosly installed. At the time I am writing, the last update for Europe has been released on 26.03.2023.

MLS packages are no offline maps. They area a satabase of cell towers. If installed and enabled in location settings, they can give you a rough estimation(the 9000m when you enable GPS) of your location when tthe cell tower to which you are connected is in the database.

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Thanks, I removed “map” everywhere and replaced with “data”. Your objection is also correct in a broader sense. By Oxford Dictionary about map word meaning definition:

  • a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc. “a street map

In fact, a geolocalisation database of POIs is not a map because to be a map should be rappresented in a diagram (rendering). In this sense, also OpenStreet data are not a map, until they are draw as a map. Also OpenStreetMaps.org correctly addresses them as data, not as map.


You may experience problems in GPS fixing indoor. The current solution is to adopt the A-GPS approach which needs an Internet connection thus exchanges data that can undermining your privacy about your position.

This solution works with Xperia 10 smartphone serie and might works with others smartphones but not with the XA2 which requires the suplpatcher and for the XA2 the parameters are slightly different as. Therefore, XA2 users should ignore the following and follow the suplpatcher instructions.

Suggestion source: @miau

The solution consists in changing some values into /etc/gps.conf or in /vendor/etc/gps.conf. If both exist one should be a link to the other.

NTP_SERVER, list of options:

  • time.izatcloud.net (default)
  • time.google.com (current)
  • asia.pool.ntp.org
  • europe.pool.ntp.org
  • oceania.pool.ntp.org
  • north-america.pool.ntp.org
  • south-america.pool.ntp.org

SUPL_HOST:PORT, list of options:

  • supl.google.com:7276 (default)
  • supl.grapheneos.org:7275

The suggested modification is the folowing:

NTP_SERVER=europe.pool.ntp.org # just to replace google
SUPL_HOST=supl.grapheneos.org  # just to replace google
SUPL_VER=0x20000  # v2 mandatory for the 4G connections

XTRA_SERVER_QUERY=1 # optional but why not?
INTERMEDIATE_POS=1  # optional but why not?
ACCURACY_THRES=5000 # uncertanty needs a limit

To make these changes can be used the terminal app that appear in the app menu when developer mode is enabled. Or a SSH session created using the developer tools. In both cases, it necessary to activate the developer mode and provide to the defaultuser a password:

Settings:System → System:Developer tools → Developer Mode → Remote connection → Password:Create

ssh session

Activate the SSH session. This allows you to connect to your SailFish OS device with a SSH connection using the USB cable or the WiFi tethering or the WiFi home network. The most secure way is using the USB cable while the smartphone is off-line.

ssh defaultuser@
remote]$ devel-su /bin/sh
remote]# vi /etc/gps.conf
remote]# exit
remote]$ exit

Before changes the value be prepared to use vi the editor and make a backup copy of the original file.

terminal app

Visit this link for the modified gps.conf and save it in Downloads. Then open the terminal and write the following commands:

home]$ cd android_storage/Download
Download]$ devel-su /bin/sh
Download]# cp /vendor/etc/gps.conf gps.conf.bak
Download]# cat gps.conf >/vendor/etc/gps.conf
Download]# exit
Download]$ exit

After the changes disable the developer mode and set the high precision mode for the GPS:

Settings:System → Connectivity:Location → High-accuracy positioning

At this point you can switch on the network, the GPS and give it a try indoor.

@robang74, thank you very much for this collection of information.


  • There is some overlap with my installation guide, which covers much more (flashing SailfishOS etc.), but the topics you address in much less depth. You may point to (i.e., link to) it for the initial and additional steps.
  • Please do not advise to install Aptoide for the reasons I mention.
  • As the author of storeman-installer and sailfishos-chum-gui-installer, I suggest not to point to GitHub (I also publish pre-releases there etc.) and also not the SailfishOS:Chum repository, because their download pages at OpenRepos provide some relevant information and are much easier to use for beginners. I also suggest to install Storeman via the storeman-installer first, because then it can be used to conveniently download and install the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app via the sailfishos-chum-gui-installer, as described in sections 4.2 and 4.3 of my guide.
  • Designing and maintaining a suitable structure (chapters, sub-chapters, sections etc.) is not easy in my experience, but well worth it for oneself and the readers in order not to get lost. Currently some information is added in replies (“UPDATE #n”), which will become more problematic the more “UPDATE” replies are added.
  • Mind that one can edit replies only for a limited time (one or two weeks), then they become immutable (but still can be deleted IIRC). This is another reason why gathering all information in the initial post makes sense IMO.

When the development of this “Quick start guide” has settled a bit I consider to pick a few elements from your and link to it, if that is fine for you.


I would consider installing ‘nano’ with pkcon or zypper, this makes editing a file alot easier if you are not familiar with vi.

When enabling Developer Options, you already have a terminal application installed, so there is no need to install a seperate one, like Fingerterm.

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Please explain the procedure, so I can integrate. Anyway vi should be learned because in any mainteinance/emergeny procedure vi is present and nano cannot be installed.

Fingerterm is THAT terminal! :slight_smile:

I read your post and I appreciated it. I will work on my guide leveraging your suggestions. In the mean time, can you give me some help in trasforming these procedeure:

in a patch for PatchManger that can deploy this file

on X series smartphones but not on XA2?

What’s about Aurora Droid (market), instead?

Aurora Droid market is something completely different from Aurora Store market, despite the name.

Right, it’s just F-Droid, even better

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‘pkcon install nano’ nothing more. I know that Fingerterm is the name of th terminal application. Inyour article it reads like you have to install it from.openrepos.

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I have correct it, after I realised it


  • sometimes when the data interface changes […] Or when you switch from 4G to WiFi and viceversa. However, after the smartphone reboot or after having switched-off the airplane mode the SIM takes a very long time to register with the 4G network then it is time to read the fixing the 4G registration section.


The first step you should do after having inserted the SIM into your new SFOS smartphone is to ask your network operator to send their mobile data configuration back to your device. Usually, you can do that sending a SMS a specific number.

This may be not enough in those countries in which 4G service is available but not yet very well established compared to other less performant protocols still alive with their own infrastructure inconpatible with the 4G.

Before settle down accepting to surf the Internet with a 3G connection or doing a manual rescue procedure every time your SIM needs to register, you might decide to limit your mobile data to use the IPv4.

A free VPN may leak data over IPv6

This can be a good idea expecially if you are using a free VPN service that tunnel the data over IPv4 but leaks those over IPv6.

To limit your mobile data over IPv4 proceed in this way:

Settings:System → Connectivity:Mobile network → SIM card

In the Data and MMS access points changed the Protocol from dual to IP. This should be solve the issue otherwise you have to deal with the Customer Service of your netwrok operator.

This should be fixed with the next OS update and the newest CLAT version. If you need CLAT to get a mobile connection, changing the connection type to IP can result in a total loss of the connection.

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Or solving a problem with some network providers. I will call them and will ask about. :wink:

What do you want to solve with your provider?

Unless the request is worked by the technical service there is no way to have a technical answer by the customer service. I need patience to escalate such kind of issue and once I almost resolved it, I am fine to wait.

A suggestion taken from their support web page is to install a modem config Android app and run it to tune the them connection. I found few of them but I did not tried them yet because it is not an ugent matter for me, anymore. However, it will be interesting to verify if an Android app can influence the hardware behaviour and thus the SailFish OS performance because this is a hot topic.

You seem to have missed the point: All APKs at Aptoide are potentially malicious, because anyone can upload anything there. Consequently any new version of a formerly benign APK at Aptoide might be malicious. Hence one shall not use Aptoide at all. All software at Aptoide is available elsewhere, because it only hosts APKs uploaded by users!

Furthermore the Aptoide client app has become a data collection tool long ago and Aptoide has been having multiple security breaches (including all user accounts credentials at least twice).

What’s about Aurora Droid (market), instead?

Aurora Droid is a F-Droid client app, which is unmaintained since spring 2021. Hence it cannot be used “instead” of the Aptoide client app, because it does not access Aptoide.

In contrast to that advising to install the Aurora Store app from F-Droid to access the Google Play store makes a lot of sense.

I am looking forward to that.

If you experience issues with the guidance for Patch developers, please file an issue, so your specific question(s) can be answered and / or the documentation improved.