Pure Maps (Native map app)

Offline: You can instsll OSM Scout Server. With it, you’ll be able to download maps regions by regions.
Online: Same question for me the other day. I didn’t understand how to make it work.

Strange fact: For me (XA2, MapTiler never worked. Just a white screen. IIRC @rinigus, said it was a question of expired…contract?licence with them…not sure, this needs a search.

You are supposed to register at map service provider and fill in your API key(s) in Settings. That way you can enable HERE, Mapbox.

MapTiler has a monthly quota and, as we have decent amount of users on SFOS and other platforms, it tends to expire towards the end of the month, frequently around 15-20th day into the month. Mayn advantage with Maptiler is that they stop providing tiles instead of billing me.

For offline, you are expected to use OSM Scout Server. That way you get tiles, search, and routing. Other online services can sometimes serve data from cache, but that is limited to … cache. No search, no routing in offline for online services.


OSM Scout Server is installed and running and maps are stored.
Open Topo Maps is also working now in online mode, i don’t know why but it works. OSM Scout also works, this looks like objects (houses, etc.) are overlaying the Map Tiler maps.
HSL + OpenSlopeMaps show only white background.
HERE and MapBox are marked as disabled and can’t be selected.

edit : this tests were made on Xperia 10 /

See my reply above. For HERE and Mapbox you need to register as described in Preferences/API keys


Offline routing? We rise up to magic, wow!
Thank you for explaining.
Also, it is great having the chance to get all those maps and a so complete app+server. (maybe I just miss tracking but e.g. Maep does it good )
Even, I’d say it saved me as I am an offline fan, an “just in case” guy.
Does getting an API key mean being identified, bigdated and the usual blabla or not obligatorily?

I don’t know, read their conditions. I would expect that it is not “bigdated”


@ric9k : Offline routing? We rise up to magic, wow!
Thank you for explaining.

GPS on + internet connection off. This shows my position on the map, i can set a target and a route is drawn on the map. No magic!

edit: quoting seems to not work as usually in the moment… Maybe some cross effect of ‘old’ (on THIS phone I’m now writing) and some brand new updates from openrepos + chum?

Sure, I exaggerate a bit to express how cool this is. Thought routing was only possible online.
No magic ok, but this also means that e.g. one-way streets are locally recorded. I thought what was locally recorded were only graphics.

You have an electronic map stored on the phone and there is no need to fetch some information from the internet.
The only purpose of online navigation (with running internet connection) is higher accuracy in location determination using tower data, faster position fix by downloading satellites orbital data (Kepler data) via internet is much faster than from satellites, and fast daily updates of the maps.


And users data also. :innocent:

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There is one more - online maps can have traffic. Routing using HERE is taking that into account, for example.


@rinigus Is there an Android version anywhere?

Of Pure Maps? No, it is so far for Linux only

Can we have zoom out on tap/touch event with 2 fingers? I found this very useful on other apps. Like tapping with thumbs or when phone is lying.

I’m having a hard time trying to update to the latest version of Pure Maps.
The OpenRepos version is no more updated, for reasons I don’t know.
The Store version is limited.
The Chum version refuses to install complaining about the mapboxgl-qml version >=2.0.0 being not available.
Chum GUI does not find the mapboxgl-qml version.
pkcon install mapboxgl-qml results in ‘libQMapboxGL.so.2.0.0’ not available.
Uninstalling everything until things become manageable without losing a day.


Yeah, to install it from Chum I had to install a library from Openrepos first, if I recall correctly… But I does work really well since then.

If you are at OpenRepos, you have to uninstall Mapbox GL lib, Mapbox GL QML, and Pure Maps. After that, get into Chum GUI and install Pure Maps from there.

This, rather complicated step, is due to the protection at Chum to avoid mixing its packages with the other sources behind your back.

As for why stopping distribution via OpenRepos - it is just way easier for me to distribute through Chum than OpenRepos. As we don’t have integration between Chum and OpenRepos, I would otherwise have to keep up to date libs and packages up to date in OpenRepos manually. Since we have a choice now, it makes sense for me to work through Chum.


Thanks! Could you please add a brief note like the sentence above in the Chum package description?


It’s still magic to me how satnavs MagicEarth and Here can navigate perfectly on my old ipadmini cellular without a sim, offline, without Apple maps installed, only with location on when using.
I have a garden thread on the ventilator and there hangs my ipadmini with cover on.
Since the latest update from Sailfish I can use my XA2+ too if I want. That seems to work differently, I read, interesting.

Can you expand on ‘garden thread on the ventilator’? Not sure I understand. Maybe a pic:)?