Pure Maps (Native map app)

Many thanks too.
@rinigus, your app on my XA2 guides me every day to various places.
Very reliably,
Probably the one of the non stock app that I use the most.


still can’t install osmscout server due to libprotobuf.29 missing, should i wait till regular (stable) 4.6 release so it can be rbuild with the newest sdk?

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I use Mapy.cz (for Android) right now, as it has a feature that I use quite a lot: Live location sharing during navigation.

Is this something that Pure Maps can do somehow, as well?

You could try enabling the testing repository

Hi! I was wondering why the Pure Maps is not in the wiki for Open Street Maps application list.
I requested to add it there, anyone did before?
Software - OpenStreetMap Wiki

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Sailfish OS is under the ‘Mobile software by platform’.
No link though.

@ric9k and @denis.robel and others: thanks. Just don’t have much time to develop it further these days. Probably until I hit something that I miss myself. Other devs are welcome to join and fix/add functionality that they need :slight_smile:

Should be there now in OBS Chum, release version of it, for SFOS releases 4.6.*. Try to refresh repository in Chum GUI and see if it proposes to install. Make sure you are on SFOS 4.6 channel, not 4.5

I was considering adding it via Nextcloud, but never got to it. Didn’t need it myself. Feel free to implement it

Nobody has added it yet. Please add and don’t forget to mention that it also works on Ubuntu Touch, Mobile Linux, and Linux PCs via Flatpak


I saw pure maps and osmscout server in the Ubuntu touch section

Definitely there is something wrong. There are no builds of osmscout-server for 4.6.x.x (11,12,13). Only up to

for some reason mapnik compilation failed. and on chum release only - for testing it worked… no idea.

I had to fidle with chum till “OSM Scout server” showed up.
Then install failed, claiming “protobuf” was not provided.
After pkcon refresh install went through…

OK, mapnik versions are different. that would probably take a while (day or two) before it is compiled and released. but let’s see. I’ll trigger rebuild for chum release channel


Yes! I added it yesterday.
We shall create first a SAILFISHOS page (like ubuntu touch) than list Pure maps

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Hello, i have a question

Yesterday i needed to find an address, but osmscout couldn’t find the street. Tried with a street nearby but neither that was found, so i tried with a shop present in the street and even that was not found

I thought it was time to check those maps and fix the things, but when i went on openstreetmap, everything was already mapped right, including the shop

Done another test but osmscout was unable to find neither of the three

On the contrary opencage found them no problem

Now the question is: is there some kind of problem with osmscout or maybe those things got mapped recently and pure maps maps are not updated yet?(i recall in fact it has been a very long time since i last updated the maps)

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This thread is about Pure Maps. OSM Scout is another app.

Yes but i saw no topics about the osm scout server, should i create one?

And anyway, we could say osm scout server it’s a component of pure maps (even if it’s not for real)

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OsmScout the app and osm server are two different things.
Osmscout has its own offline map handling.

And yes to open new threads for new questions, is what was intended by the mighty creators of forum apps


Offline maps in OSM Scout Server are a bit old, from December.


Yes, indeed. According to GitHub - rinigus/osmscout-server: Maps server providing tiles, geocoder, and router, maps were to be updated every 2 or 3 months. I guess it’s a long and tedious job but maybe not necessarily complicated to do? How can we help? Because it’s true, at least as far as I’m concerned, Pure Maps has become my only navigation tool, and having the most up-to-date maps possible would be really great!


Oh, and Pure Maps is obviously missing a feature: vehicle height. At least I couldn’t find it :frowning:
On Monday I’m going to have to make a fairly long round trip in a van with a fairly high roof. I don’t think this will be a problem. But still, it would be nice if this feature were available!