Pure Maps (Native map app)

That’s correct, I haven’t updated maps since then. Would have to squeeze it into my plans, but it may take a bit of time. Cannot promise any schedule for it, hopefully would be done in some weeks.


Using Pure Maps every day here.
Great app!
It was working on my XA2 Dual with

I reflashed and upgraded to the

Pure Maps can’t be installed anymore atm:
Problem: nothing provides 'mapboxgl-qml >= 2.0.0' needed by the to be installed harbour-pure-maps-3.3.0-1.10.1.jolla.armv7hl

Is there something more I should do?

Oh, it’s working when I set the OS version to in Chum :+1:

I tried that with osmscout server, but it still complains about missing libprotobuf.so.29

Oh, actually it doesn’t even show up :confused:

The OSMScout server has to be compiled with a new os target in the SDK … I think we have to wait until the final release of 4.6.0 .

But maybe @ringus will be so kind to compile it for earlier…


There is a linking error with Valhalla in SFOS 4.6.* - hence OSM Scout Server does not build. Looking into it…


Linking to msse? Chatgpt said that it is not needed for a recent gcc, but maybe it’s hallucinating that.

pkcon search gcc
Available   	gcc-10.3.1-1.8.4.jolla.aarch64 (jolla)

Does it qualify as recent?

Edit: set Chum to
Edit 2: Rinigus, thanks for many years of great work!

Symlinking the required version numbers is enough - can be done on the phone, just use tab for autocompletion. Install with zypper ignoring dependencies which are the following libraries + mapnik, valhalla-lite and libpostal.

cd /usr/lib64 (/usr/lib in 32-bit)

ln -s libprotobuf.so.25.1.0 libprotobuf.so.29

ln -s libtiff.so.6 libtiff.so.5

ln -s libicudata.so.70 libicudata.so.68
ln -s libicui18n.so.70 libicui18n.so.68
ln -s libicuio.so.70 libicuio.so.68
ln -s libicutest.so.70 libicutest.so.68
ln -s libicutu.so.70 libicutu.so.68
ln -s libicuuc.so.70 libicuuc.so.68

ln -s libboost_chrono.so.1.81.0 libboost_chrono.so.1.66.0
ln -s libboost_date_time.so.1.81.0 libboost_date_time.so.1.66.0
ln -s libboost_filesystem.so.1.81.0 libboost_filesystem.so.1.66.0
ln -s libboost_iostreams.so.1.81.0 libboost_iostreams.so.1.66.0
ln -s libboost_regex.so.1.81.0 libboost_regex.so.1.66.0
ln -s libboost_system.so.1.81.0 libboost_system.so.1.66.0
ln -s libboost_thread.so.1.81.0 libboost_thread.so.1.66.0

1 Like

I think that the fix is known now and corresponding Valhalla update should be ready tonight. Assuming that it works :slight_smile: . So, no real need to start messing with symlinks or other hacks


Valhalla is building now, but osmscout server sadly has a weird linker error, too

its done in chum:testing, not chum proper. so, its not released yet . nothing to see here yet

I was talking about testing: https://build.sailfishos.org/project/monitor?utf8=✓&commit=Filter%3A&failed=1&unresolvable=1&broken=1&blocked=1&dispatching=1&scheduled=1&building=1&finished=1&signing=1&locked=1&deleting=1&pkgname=&repo_4_6_aarch64=1&repo_4_6_armv7hl=1&repo_4_6_i486=1&arch_aarch64=1&arch_armv8el=1&arch_i586=1&project=sailfishos%3Achum%3Atesting&defaults=0

Thank you very much. I think offline navigation saves battery, and it works on holiday

Looking forward to it - no point in updating SFOS until Purrmaps and Pudcatcher work!

I have never understood why Linux apps are so incredibly brittle and dependent, that every update breaks them.

OTOH I can still run every single version of my Windows program compiled between 1987 and 2020 on Win10. It is a complex program, and it uses obscure winapi calls a lot.

What is even the point of having API’s and libs if every new versions is incompatible?
Why not just statically compile everything in the app?


How do we get around this?
I removed v2 and now would like to test v3 with X10III

Did you try this? :

20 chars

I have pushed new Valhalla to SFOS:Chum. It would take some time for it to compile as well as all other packages that were updated today. Should be ready in a day.


@ringus thanks a lot for your efforts.
I really appreciate your software.