Don´t blame me, but everytime I visited TJC or here, I see only that someone requests something and almost everytime is it answered same way - NO, stupid or irrelevant. Why do we have this new forum then? I am very sad of this behaviour.
Phone system without enough native apps is sentenced to death. Windows Phone few years ago died just like that. And why? Because they weren´t able to motivate app developers to make apps. Why not to involve some app-makers from the community?
So, if Jolla invests so much effort as they spend on developing aliendalvik, but to motivate app-developers or to collaborate with other small companies like Threema, Opera etc, they could get more into awareness and become full-fledged competitor of Google and Apple. Think small, stay small.
In our country we have one well-known phrase - translated to english means something like “Who wants is searching for a way, who doesn´t want is searching for reason”. Or citation from movie HAIR - “Easy to say No”
Personally I use sailfish because I don´t want to use android or ios. So it is logical that native apps are needed.
I am doing my best for Jolla as I can as their user - everytime someone asks about my phone and is curious which system I have, when I don´t have droid or ios, i make him showcase of Sailfish OS and his rich features and customization options,smoothness etc. Many people really like it, but many of them are discouraged just because lack of specific apps, which is a big pity. Many others discouraged by limited phone support.
Every app I use from community is translated by me to my language, except those, which were translated already. Last time it was Kari´s File Browser, adopted by ichthyosaurus.
A week ago my bank came with card paying confirmation only via app, not sms anymore. App doesn´t work on Xperia X, so I told them twice I want app for Sailfish OS.