Native app for Threema

Hi everyone,
is there any native app for use with Threema? I think it could be nice to have one - SFOS is targetting on privacy and security and Threema would be just perfect for it. Isn´t Jolla thinking about “becoming friends” with Threema and making native app? :slight_smile:


Note that Threema is not really Open Source Software: While some client code has been published, the development process is not open, no one can build a working client except for Threema, plus the server is proprietary, there is no federation etc.
Thus IMO Threema is not really “targetting privacy and security” (at least not in a transparent way), even though they say so.

And “becoming friends with Threema" means paying them money. With a sufficient amount of that one may convince them to create a native Threema app.

@malakay1989 This guy once made Threema working on SFOS, but i don’t know why he gave up the idea, maybe because of legal reasons. Now that Threema said they go Opensource, maybe you can take up his work and bring a working app to SFOS :slight_smile:

i have no ability to make apps :frowning: maybe someone could adopt it :slight_smile:

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