[Norwegian] Suggestions, discussions. Helping with the translation


Does anyone know of a technical English -> Norwegian dictionary.

Terminologi Guide

Engelsk Valgmuligheter Kommentar

Ferdig oversatt

Engelsk Norsk
compositor typograf
Idle inaktiv
debug symbols feilsøkingssymboler
Emoji Fjesing
Hotspot Surfesone

Hvis noen har noen tilbakemeldinger så blir de mottatt med takk.

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After asking some friends i found a Swedish word for compositor, maybe it helps.

I too have no idea what is the proper translation for idle; i.e. whether it is ready or inactive, both or neither. Overksam sounds really odd for computing, whilst an otherwise correct translation.

Debug symbols are these things: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debug_symbol


@attah, I took your ‘komposionshanterare’ to terminology. I made ‘overksam’ consistent throughout for now. I plan to add further terms to terminology. And we also have some of the issues like the ones brought up in the discussion of the German styleguide to address. But writing this on the phone is typing blind, even in desktop mode, so need to elaborate later.

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Tiny mistake I just spotted: this string combines both the old and the new translation, changing the meaning:

Hent støtte for Android™ AppSupport

(context: startupwizard-he-get_android_app_support)

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Hmm, Danish has the same, Swedish does not have the word ‘støtte’

Swedish: Hämta Android™ AppSupport
Danish: Hent Android™-app understøttelse

One could argue if the støtte (support) word can be removed. The more I think about it, the more I want to remove it… Since it is kind of baked in with the AppSupport word.

Danish should be changed. Instructions says don’t translate Android™ AppSupport.
I guess they are not yet finished.

Do not localise the Android™ AppSupport product name.


Now that this thread has been resurrected; why not make use of it :slight_smile:

I have some words that are up for streamlining across SFOS.

English Current Alternative
Server Server Tjener
Proxy Proxy Mellomtjener / ?proxytjener?
notification(s) varsling notifikasjon(er) / varsel - varsler
app, application, program a mix of app, applikasjon and program a mix where the longer and shorter makes sense? (Where?)

The English version has a mix of app, application and software.

Programvarelisens makes sense for: Software license.

This choice will change the terminology: Varsling to varsel / varsler.
(But is considered by me as a (mostly) safe change)

entall flertall
ubestemt form bestemt form ubestemt form bestemt form
et varsel varselet varsel,varsler varsla, varslene

Things to read / more information:
Wikipedia redirects from mellomtjener to: Proxytjener – Wikipedia
Varsel er Bokmål: Ordbøkene.no - Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka
Varsling er Nynorsk: Ordbøkene.no - Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka
Notifikasjon: Ordbøkene.no - Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka
Ein app? Ein app?
Suffiksene «-sjon» og «-ing» Suffiksene «-sjon» og «-ing»