[localisation] Translation strings for the Sailfish OS release 4.6.0

Thanks for looking that up. Following the Language Office recommendations in this case is probably a good option.


I don’t have reference at hand for Slovenian language but it’s the same.
Of course I try to do a compromise with the sentence structure as Keto is suggesting if possible. Mostly it’s only limitation if there is a limited length of translation. Our language rules are quite complex but there is some flexibility.


Do we need help with Norwegian/Norsk bokmål, translating. I can contribute?


Hei @Pam.

Det er jeg som godtar setningene på https://translate.sailfishos.org/nb

… Jo mere vi er sammen … Eller noe sånt :slight_smile:
Ser at @espen også bidrar litt til å rette på meg :+1:

Hi @sledges, can you make @Pam a contributor to Norwegian bokmål (nb-no)

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Ja, jeg har gjennom årene (siden 2014, faktisk) observert noe smårusk i tekstene, men aldri blitt klar over (=gjort så mye innsats for å finne ut) hvordan oversettelsessystemet er innrettet og hvordan man kan bidra. Fant en link til translate-systemet i går, logget inn og begynte vel etter hvert å skjønne noe om hvordan det skal brukes. Tenkte jeg skulle lese gjennom de norske oversettelsene for å se om jeg kunne finne igjen noe av det som jeg tidligere har observert kunne justeres litt. Så som du tydeligvis har sett, @emva, så gjorde jeg en liten innsats i går i den feilaktige troen at det var hele listen jeg hadde foran meg. Innså imidlertid etterhvert at de 615 tekstene jeg gjennomgikk bare var ca 10 % av det hele …

Startet så forfra på hovedlisten og fikk gjennomgått de første 100, og får fortsette siden. (Jeg tolker din tommel opp som at du ikke synes det bare er unødig pirk.)

Nå er vi jo tydeligvis i en luksussituasjon her i Norge, siden omtrent alt allerede er oversatt – og her skjønner jeg at du har gjort en skikkelig innsats over noen år, så du skal ha mange takk for alt du har gjort! :clap:

Men det kan kanskje uansett være greit å ha en liten “gruppe” for fremtidig innsats, hvis nå @Pam også er interessert, om ikke annet for å diskutere litt når det en gang i mellom kan være litt tvil. (For egen del går jeg av med pensjon til sommeren så jeg har mer tid for hobbby-prosjekter etter det, og oversettelse av FOSS programmer/dokumentasjon er generelt en av de tingene jeg er åpen for å brukenoe noe tid på.)

Du som formodentlig har en bedre over-/innsikt, emva, får bare gi noen signaler dersom du ser noen udekkede behov. (Sender deg e-post-adressen min i en melding, siden det kan variere noe hvor ofte jeg er inn på SF-forumet.)

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We can continue here: [Norwegian] Suggestions, discussions. Helping with the translation with the discussion about the Norwegian language.

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The site search is pretty good to find the strings you want to change. A bit slow though.

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French done, with the help of contributors!


What is the best way to communicate if i found a typo in the german translation of the current OS-Version on my phone as an ordinary user?

In native Browser, when login into a website with username and password, i’m asked if i want to save my password - german translation is “spreichern” instead of “speichern” then currently…

Write it here :slight_smile:

You can also go to | Sailfish OS Localisation and paste in spreichern

You will see that there is already two suggestions about the string.

User suggestions
Möchtest du das Kennwort für “%1” auf %2 spreichern?
Möchtest du das Passwort für “%1” auf %2 spreichern?

And both of them are wrong…


I am not understanding the tool, like I choose italian, it says like 70 missing translations, I go and it shows me only 4 and already with suggestions… Why?

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The list of project with missing translations give a number in word units. I guess 70 words in your case. But when clicking on a project and having to actually enter translation, the counter on the bottom gives a number in translation block unit. Meaning that there are 4 texts in the application that misses translations, for a total of 70 words.

As long as suggestions are not accepted by the language maintainer or Jolla themselves, they are just suggestions and are not counted in the missing translations. Once they will be accepted, the missing translation counter will be decreased.


Hello sailors,I’m trying to get the Brazilian translation done but it seems that there is no one to accept my suggestions. It seems to be the case since 4.5 as some translation were suggested but they did not make it. Maybe I did something wrong… Can someone help me?


You didn’t do anything wrong. It just happens that Brazilian reviewer might have jumped the ship, or might just be late on the ball. :wink:

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There was two minor last minute changes to the strings, and those have been now marked with “needs work”.

In jolla-settings-system weather was removed from the access_events_when_device_locked_description.

And in jolla-settings-networking “4G calling (beta)” was cahnged to “4G calling (VoLTE)”.

Sorry for the very late update.


Hi @Keto!
Our coordinator for Ukrainian localisation, @nemishkor is currently in the army, could you please give me rights to approve translations in Ukrainian project?


You now have approval rights


Hi @Keto, Ukrainian translation done!
Just a moment before the deadline :slightly_smiling_face:

I also checked and approved all old translations. While the counter still shows “98% translated” for some reason, there are no “need translation” and “suggestions” left