Nfc and android still not working

the german id card has an electronic component that can work with a card reader or can be accessed by the app AusweisApp2 via nfc. this app only exists as an android app, so the lack of nfc within android on sailfish os prevents using this feature.

i would like to know when nfc will be useable from android apps in sailfish os.



Certain low level access to NFC and Bluetooth is not accessible to the Android runtime

Read more here:

And here:


From what I understand, OP is well aware that this interface is not implemented at the moment, and he is asking for it as a feature request. I agree that it would be useful!


I am actually dreaming of a nfc reader/writer. So useful and so much fun.

@emva i actually was aware of this design decision. i just want to have nfc connection int the android layer nonetheless.

i know that there is no bluetooth or nfc from within android apps. and i realized that the sailfish-os developers are totally reluctant to get this implemented. like scholz and tanks and ukraine. but i would like to have this. is there a kind of reason behind this boykott of bluetooth and nfc? several very useful android apps become useless within sailfish-os without such nifty features als nfc or bluetooth …

This has been discussed to death many times.

Its not reluctance or boycott, there are profound technical reasons why this would be very hard to do.

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I would also like to see NFC working on android Apps. All of us would like to.
That being said, we all know here that it is not an easy part.
On my Xperia 10 II, many android apps crash on SFOS 4.5, the fingerprint sensor is unstable, and there are some other bugs. I assume that this is the priority for Jolla developers right now.
But as @jabgoe mentioned, there are many daily-used apps (public transport especially) that require NFC. So, as a feature request, it is IMHO a top ranking priority.