Hi @ddobrev. Following the community meeting, I just had a quick play around with pylgbst which provides a python interface for PoweredUp devices, which you mentioned might apply to your LEGO model. I was able to get pylgbst installed to my Sailfish XA2 using the following steps from the console:
devel-su zypper install bluez5-libs-devel make gcc glib2-devel
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install bluepy
pip install -U pylgbst
I then created this file (following the readme on github):
from pylgbst.hub import MoveHub
from pylgbst import get_connection_bluepy
conn = get_connection_bluepy(hub_mac='AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF')
hub = MoveHub(conn)
for device in hub.peripherals:
Which seemed to work when I execute it with devel-su python3 listdevs.py
. I say “seemed” because unfortunately I don’t have a LEGO PoweredUp device to test it with, but I could see it scanning for Bluetooth devices, which is encouraging.
I want to be clear that I understand this isn’t a solution to the original question posed about Bluetooth, and I can understand your desire to use the official LEGO app, but I just thought you might like to know in case this gives you something to at least play with (I understand how disappointing it must be not to be able to). I’d be happy to discuss further, but if so we should probably create a separate topic.