Selecting a word in the text field and learning it
Copypasting a phrase you have in the clipboard into the text field, and learning all words in it
Loading a text file from your phone and learning the words in it
Features that won’t be added (by me, Pull Requests are always welcome):
loading things from the net
better target language selection: I had an implementation which could detect target language from the current keyboard, but this does not work in SailJail so I dropped it
NOTE: it is unknown whether adding a large number of words to the database has a negative effect in some way. Use reponsibly. After all this is input text prediction, not a thesaurus or dictionary. If you need one of these, use one of these.
You can get it from Sailfishos Chum (best via the app, or at [3]).
You need a licensed version of Sailfish OS to install this, as it depends on the XT9 feature.
Source code and issue tracking available at Codeberg ([2])
Great initiative, this Neuntrainer app. But I feel the need for a corrector as well, or a possibility to delete words.
At first usage, I wanted to add my last name. Strange enough, it skipped some letters on first try. The second time it did succeed (without changing my entry). But now this Kuweberg has been added?!
No reason to be sorry. I’m pretty sure you will fix it, one day or another.
I find it very useful to finally be able to put some long words that I frequently use, into the database. Words that X9 refused to learn for a very long time, so thank you!
Sorry, that I can’t report a better result:
Words entered using Neuntrainer don’t appear in word suggestions.
Tested 3 words, opeded Jolla Notes, started to type, words don’t come as suggestion, not even if word is yet completely typed. My test words are not stored.
After reboot the same as before.
Any ideas?
edit: After selecting Target Language = DE and re-entering the words, it works like a charm!
Also this time it confirmed the learned words like on the picture in post #1 .
I tried to learn my simple e-mail in EN vocabulary, “Strip punctuation” is off. Neutrainer said, that word learned, but no effect. No any suggestion in xt9 EN keyboard…
@nephros : I checked this now. A button ‘delete learned words’ is present in ‘Settings - Text input’ between the ‘Split keyboard’ and the ‘Hardware keyboard’ settings on my phone (X10 /
I think so. No paid version → no xt9 → no learned words → nothing to delete → no button.
I other words, no delete button if device never learn any words because it has no xt9.
If at least one of the out-of-the-box keyboard layouts is enabled, the button appears, if (like me) you only have custom keyboards enabled, it vanishes.
Plus, as said, you have to have the jolla-keyboard-settings-xt9 . package installed.
Wrong again! It was just me not using default keyboards. I had them disabled for my own created with extra number row. When I changed back, the button returned, and after reboot it worked. Also on my X10V, not (yet) paid but ‘pirated’ xt9.