[localisation] Translation strings for the Sailfish OS release 5.0.0

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It is time to start the translation round for the next Sailfish OS release 5.0.0.

This time there is around 60 strings to be translated depending on a language. The deadline for this round is Sunday the 13th of October inclusively.

A short reminder of the guidelines:

  • Use “English (United Kingdom)” as the source for your translations please, not Engineering English.
  • Please try to check old terms used, to keep consistency: e.g. if unsure how to translate the word “device”, put the word in the Search box to see how it has been previously translated into your language.
  • The same goes for language style (e.g. how to address the user).
  • Feel free to keep improving any old translations, even between L10n rounds.
  • Finally, please notice if there is a comment on a string to e.g. keep the translation short or some other guidance (via the “Content instructions” meta-language).

Without further ado, head to https://translate.sailfishos.org and follow the topmost link for Getting started if you’re there for the first time :slight_smile:

If you have any questions, please post them under the Localisation section.

Thank you & regards,

Jolla team


French part is done. A review is welcome :slight_smile:


Ukrainian translation is done :100:


Hi, @Keto! How can I modify the translated text to Spanish about encrypt home partition that is shown when the device is flashing? I can’t find in https://translate.sailfishos.org/ and I would like to fix it, in Spanish is shown “Encriptando datos de usuario, espera” and it must be shown “Cifrando datos de usuario, espera”.

@carmenfdezb Do you mean this string ? It seems to be correct already

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You are right! But I’d swear that I saw the text “Encriptando datos…” when I flashed my Xperia 10 IV.

It is “Encriptando datos…” in Spanish (Latin America).

Well, I always select Spanish (Spain), not Spanish (Latin America). Is possible that Spanish (Spain) is using this jolla-startupwizard translated to Spanish (Latin America)?
EDIT: I reflashed my Xperia 10 IV, here it’s the screenshots and you can see that I selected “Spanish” (not Spanish (Bolivia)) and it’s shown “Encriptando datos…”


Thanks for doing most of the work already, @ahappyhuman!


You’re welcome :). I had some time to kill and I’m always curious on what new things are arriving


Slovenian done.

I’m a bit disappointed and very surprised that only 15 language translations were updated for this round. C’mon guys. We can do better than that.

How do you count that?
pt_PT says 94%, but since I don’t remember having skipped strings, 6% left to translate feels too high…

Yeah, percentage is often too low. Don’t know why.
I checked last modified date column in overview. I suppose they are more real.

@amaretzek we don’t currently have a coordinator for Portuguese to accept the translation suggestions, would you like to take that role?

We have also other languages currently without coordinator. I’ll make a separate post about that, to gather information on who is still active and who would like to step up to fill the gaps.

Also, the deadline was set to yesterday, but you can freely continue working on the translations, as we are not yet making the release. And of course later improvements can be taken in any following minor update releases.


The “last modified” column? That is completly useless. It suggest that the person to the right of the date did at this date the last modification, but that is not the case…

Oh, that too. :roll_eyes: I hope someone will be able to update our l10n platform.

I hope so too :slight_smile: We have a long overdue plan to move to Weblate, but simply haven’t had the time and resources to execute that.


FYI: I also translate linux distro Mageia (web, SW, …). I don’t have personal experience with Weblate. OTOH we (as Mageia l10n team) have a nice experience with Transifex. I does offer nice CLI tools which can be used for migration too. There is also git integration, API and other goodies.

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