Jolla Love Day 2

Thank you for the great presentation :slight_smile: I ordered a Jolla Community Phone and I am looking forward to sail with you in the future. Have a nice party!


can we get more details on the hw? Soc, Camera, etc…

yeah, I would be curious on some more details, too…

if the guesses about the model are right in this discussion then not really - screen resolution is not that appealing either…

Thanks for the link, that was what I also saw, but the Turkish language left me clueless. And additionally, Jolla says 6.52" on their website, but S19 is 6.74" if the numbers are correct

The screen resolution is quite horrible indeed, wow: 6,52" 1600 x 720

Anyway, ordered one, we’ll see how it compares to my 10 IV slightly later I suppose :slight_smile:

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Yeah with a 720p screen it should be the size of an N9 not an average-android-phablet!


Hi friend!

It’s still quite a monolith built around vimwiki + taskwarrior. The endpoint on [::]:8765 accepts a Speex file encoded exactly like the SPEEX_WITH_HEADER_BYTE format used by the Google speech Speex endpoint. This is rather easily generated if you patch up Rockpool a bit (Add frame-by-frame signal for voice recognision by rubdos · Pull Request #110 · abranson/rockpool · GitHub), but this is still rather ugly.

On the Sailfish end, I use this script: · GitHub
And I wrote a small custom app for the Pebble watch that just triggers the Dictation API and then shuts down. Bound that to holding the center button for easy access.


I also want to know if jolla c2 will have an oled display

So, then welcome to the Subscription Model Hell.


Also see: “How companies are actually able to succeed in anything you care about.”


Given the very horrible resolution, I doubt it. I don’t think anyone makes OLED screens (which screams high-end electronics) with such a bad resolution (which screams low-end).

It’s a small production batch from a small manufacturer with lower price point than the baseline Xperias and coming with 60 € subscription to boot. It’s not going to have fancy stuff.

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My quick thoughts:

  • New phone satisfies the need for a new-user-friendly setup.
  • Subscription model is a ~150% price increase* and Sailfish will need to be quite a lot better to jusify it for poorer users. On the other hand, if they can subscribe sporadically to get the updates, it may work out cheaper.
  • Will the free model sans Android continue? Does it matter?
  • AI device has Apple levels of pricing without selling to Apple’s fanbois.

[ * assuming you currently buy a new phone + license every 2-3 years. ]


Poor persons are into buying stuff by installment and being oblivious to losing money in the long run. Sincerely, a Poor Person.


According to the listing for the Community Phone on the Jolla Store it will ship with Sailfisch OS 5.0 and (selectable) AppSupport at least that sounds good.


For me it is >300% price increase. I’ve been buying a licence every ~3 years for 49 Eur vs 59 Euro subscription per year.


That’s a 200-250% price increase, but yeah, I feel you.

Which is a touch less than the inflation during the same time.