Jolla Love Day 2

They did say the free trial remains as is, so sfos without android support should remain free

“Review” - more like bot-crawled spec listing.

So now we know what device was teasered in the invitation. Anyway we don’t know much about this community phone except it is in the again a low end device. At the moment, I don’t really know if I should order it or not. I have already a Xperia 10 V which I think is hardware wise the better option. I also think Jolla should have been more precise on the subscription model. Is there still a free version without app support, or at least a cost reduced one.

For me this doesn’t really fit together: Having low end hardware but paying 60€ each year. What is the target group? If you aim at people that have plenty of money, they don’t care about the subscription model. But they DO want then as well decent hardware. If your target group consists of people which hardly can afford the daily living costs. A low-end phone is fine. But I think they struggle with paying a monthly fee for an OS.


One of the things mentioned in the Q&A that hasn’t been repeated here, is that the JC2 device doesn’t support 5G

Yeah it’s pretty rough, then again it was the same with jolla c, 720x1080 was also low end in 2016

I think the obvious option for the cost-minded is just pay 5 bucks when you want/need an update, will maybe make the updates happen more often

There is still a free Version without the comercial things.

You can also pay for the subscription for a month and get the comercial things but no updates for them without the Subscription, at least thats how i understood it.

Edit: The Free Version should still get Updates even without the subscription, as to my understanding of the Livestream.


If I was them, I’d institute a min 3-4 months subscription period.

Full year at the cost of 10 months would be a more soft incentive to be subscribed all the time.

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Where comes this info from. I missed the first 30 minutes of the stream. Was it told there or is it somewhere written? And from where comes that info with paying once 5 bucks to get an update?

Thats how i understood it when they talked about it in the Livestream

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I think my last two ones were 29.90 € deals over 5 years’ time. I for one can’t complain if they want to eat every now and then.


Subscription for what?

Someone asked one of the first QA questions about what happens if you don’t pay, worth rechecking if they said anything about appsupport stopping working, was bit preoccupied atm but remember hearing about no updates (no downgrades are a given, but maybe appsupport will start calling home to check license??? Hopefully not)

For Sailfisch OS its for App Support, Exchange Support,… (All the comercail things but only for new supported Devices so the Community Edition Phone and Sony Xperia 10 iV & 10 V)

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What’s App Support? Will someone help with the apps?

I recently bought a X10 V and also preordered the C2 phone. Think I will use the Sony X10 V as a daily driver with appsupport and the C2 to figure out if I can use Sailfish OS without appsupport for my daily live.

So far I am fine with the subscription model, as long as the development of Sailfish OS is going in the right direction.

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Jolla did promoto Sailfish OS on festure phone years ago. I think that INOI also released feature phone running Sailfish OS. So it could be possible. But HMD have not released that many KaiOS devices. They are mostly using Series30+ (what ever it acrually is).

Here is the link with the Timestamp for the Q&A Question:

also the clarification answer for comercial compnents


Thanks, more or less as I remembered, ‘it will not disable’ hopefully also meant appsupport, but we’ll see (really doubt they’d go for that, your sub lapses and suddenly all your banking apps stop working… yeah everyone would be wary of such trial)
Edit: wow the clarification link above clears that, so money conscious buyers can get now the whole thing for a fiver, I guess win-win for everyone