Jolla Community Phone Q/A

I just ordered the community phone. Why? For me privacy is key. I also have a lineage device, but SFOS is far better. GraphenOS might be an alternative, but it currently works only on google pixel, which I am reluctant to buy. All I expect is a reliable phone as a daily driver. It should help me to organize my daily life. Just this.


Hmh, curious thing about the display size. Jolla Shop lists the display for C2 as 6.52", while for Reeder S19 Max Pro S the listed size for display is 6.7".

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How optimistic of you to use the “upcoming” word.

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How does one measure the diagonal of a display with rounded corners?
Not entirely surprised about ambiguity given that.

From the apex… es? Apexi? Apexpodes?

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I guess so, but now only the config is needed when vonr is supported

Apices if you want to sound like you learned Latin in school, apexes is also correct.


Android support should be supported :
|Operating System|Sailfish OS 5.0 with selectable AppSupport (Android application support, API level 33)|
from Jolla shop

Yeah, a longer time I had a Gigaset GS290 and GS5 as daily driver with SFOS. But I was unhappy with the chipset performance and some software bugs inside the ports. So I switch back to the Xperia 10 III.

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If somebody will be unsatisfied by the Community Phone performance (or when Jolla will drop it from support), would a decent (and supported) Android be available, presumably from Reeder?

60 Hz 720p screen is not great, I hope at least double tap will work (there’s no fingerprint reader either If I understand correctly, so it’s critical to have a way to quickly activate the phone). I understand it’s a developer model but there are just basics that are considered normal nowadays.

Either way, Jolla С at least had exclusive red cover and some original Jolla phone aesthetics:

With Reeder we just have a boring grey brick :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


I ordered one device (and my Xperia IV is waiting as well for the flash). I understand that this device is slower than a Xperia but it is okay for me. The only problem which I do see is that fingerprint sensor is missing.

The unlock password is equals to the encryption password as far as I know. I am using a long and complicated encryption password on my Xperia III. Typing it every single time when I would unlock my device would be annoying. On my Xperia III It is not a problem because after the initial authentication I am using the fingerprint sensor. On the Jolla CP I don’t have that option. I think we should bring up the topic about de-coupled encryption + unlocking password back on the table. I can remember that this is not an issue on the community ports. I think @rinigus has a solution for that problem but Jolla used their inhouse solution.


Two EASY Questions :

Will this phone work in the US for those of us desperate N9 / Jolla Phone /XA2 users for an alternative.

Can I order this phone being that I am in the US???



If I remember correctly, they said that it was too tricky (regulations,…) to sell the phone in the USA.


From the talk on Monday, it sounded like it was too tricky for Jolla itself to deal with exports outside of EU (and a few neighboring countries) anytime soon. But that might not prevent some third party from exporting the device. As to working in USA, none of the websites I usually look at to determine phone/network compatibility seem to have heard of Reeder, so that’s not a good sign . . . And so far I haven’t found 4G and 5G band info on Reeder site. Not helpful that I don’t read Turkish and Google translate is not being my friend right now.

Signed – someone else eager for compatible SFOS phone here.

By “Google translate is not [your] friend”, do you mean it does not work sufficiently well, or you don’t like leaking information to Google? In case it’s the leakage that is a problem: I have been reading the Reeder website using Firefox Translations, which is a local tool (only information that leaks to Mozilla is that you have downloaded the Turkish language model). It was sufficient to make this website decipherable.


Yeah, I get that. I just ‘need’ the bigger screen and live with the bugs. I do quite a lot of image and video stuff on the phone, which is probably an edge case.


This is my observation. I bought Dropbox subscription during my wife’s phone migration from Xperia X to Xperia 10II hoping for smooth backup/restore over cloud (her SD card worked on Xperia X but didn’t work on Xperia 10II for some reason, so I couldn’t do it easier way). There was no backup visible on the new phone and after a quick look on Dropbox it was clear that backups are created under Device id folder and restore couldn’t see the Xperia X folder.

If this is unknown bug I’ll report it, I wasn’t in the mood after I finished restoring her data. Honestly, I cannot imagine someone not noticing this if their device is used as the daily driver.

Shipping in 3 months makes that highly unlikely, beyond very minor tweaks.

You’re right, that’s very tight, but it’s never too late to ask and we might be surprised how late changes can be made if their architecture is modular enough. There are components like the display, which should be easily swappable.

Q/A now posted in the lates Sailfish Community Update dated 23rd May

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Sailfish Community news 23rd May 2024 - selected Q/A
( mainly license and accessories related Q/A are listed, no hardware details yet)