Jolla Community Phone Q/A

I didn’t bother with the X’s, given the better screens, but I can see that they both would have benefited from having one.

It does not in fact, but at least you can do 5g calls cause with 5g you don’t need a whitelist

My operator for example, says every phone that supports 5g is supported, while it has a whitelist for volte, and of course no sony is supported

Don’t really care about speed, but i’m actually tired of doing low quality 2g calls cause no volte on sonys, at least where do i live, so 5g would solve the problem entirely

(on a funnier note, japan is already experimenting with 6g, jolla is still stuck at 4g)

I’ve adjusted the text to be less a gazilionth-list-of-personal-grievances thread. It wasn’t my intention.

Jolla as Jollyboys is starting a new journey with so many good news that I felt like it would be a pity to repeat old mistakes. Fixing long-time felt pain points would be amazing contribution to already great list of good news.

I understand you develop some apps for SailfishOS, that is already great contribution to this community and I appreciate every single one of you guys and gals. I contribute the way I can - by reporting back bugs, asking feature requests and buying new products.

I feel there is a difference between SailfishOS app development community and Jolla/Jollyboys.
You contribute your time, skills and you expect code contribution and donation.
Jollyboys make this possible by allowing community to contribute in various aspects of their products lifecycle. That’s a very unique approach and I love that. But make no mistake, they still sell a product and people buying their products expect something for their money.

So, while I would agree with majority of your comments if we are discussing this on some community-driven project, I would appreciate more respectful replies regarding paid product which SailfishOS and this new device is. It has amazing background story but in the core it’s still a paid product which needs to be successful on the market. Fixing the most frustrating issues is essential for the product success in the future, I believe.


great, one mode reason to 3d print my own case haha

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This phone is ALL the past HW mistakes of Jolla summed up in a single device. And on top of that -unless i missed something- many of the SW pain points of SFOS havent been addressed or even mentioned for near future resolution.


The new Jolla community phone is announced as dedicated for developer, a group with special needs different from other users. So some gimmicks maybe not on board. Thats fine. It prevends “normal” user for buying this dedicated device. It’s a tool not for collection only :wink:

The new developer phone can help developers by the upcomming upgrade to QT6. Because it comes with Sailfishos 5 (with QT6) preinstalled. For other phones the upgrade can be happen later. Thats the reason I ordered one. Maybe I will use the new phone also as a daily driver. We will see.

Of course a good deal works in many directions. The introduction of Reeder as the new hardware partner can be one of this.


So there will be a QT Upgrade? From where did you take this information?

The new Jolla community phone is announced as dedicated for developer

Where do you see this information? I can see only the following on, thus my question whether it is supposed to be a dev or flag-ship device :slight_smile:

Jolla Community Phone. An exclusive Community Edition Sailfish OS phone - the reference device designed for the Sailfish community.

You are probably right, I just don’t translate “community” as “developers” and it would be good to have it officially clarified. I thought about it more in terms of the flag ship (a present, a toy) for the community as a thanks for their support - thus my another question about 1st class adaptation (as it’s a great opportunity to make it another Jolla 1, something I can proudly present to my friends and poke them to buy one).

Is the device really gonna have a 720 screen? Come on, is this back to stone age or what? Even the cheapest Motorolas have at least 1080 screens…


You are right.

Sami announced this new phone in the event yesterday as the reference device for developing starting with Sailfishos 5.


It’s relevant for developing? Or what is your point?

FYI: Support for consumer phones is also announced yesterday. As I remember correctly for August.

Sony XPeria 10 IV / V will be available in August with full features.

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Jolla could have coöperated with Gigaset instead. I wonder why they didn’t.

maybe Gigaset wanted larger badge sizes

So SailfishOS would still need all the configuration for all providers to make VoNR work? Or you mean we would not need that to do 5g calls?

Good question, but gigaset is restructuring (like jolla :slight_smile: since their dect business is failing. Could be the issue? I dunno. I would certainly have much preferred it and will not by a Reeder thing phone. I don’t really need a new phone. Just bug fixes. Including the many I should work on myself ! :wink:


A lot of people may not want to use it as a developer phone but as a main driver.
And with 1080, more code lines can be seen on screen :smiley:


Shipping in 3 months makes that highly unlikely, beyond very minor tweaks.

Source for that, please.

They wanted an ‘european’ phone. Haven’t you heard? Germany is not as ‘european’ as Turkey. Some people here claim that if Turkish football teams play in Europe, it makes Turkey a european country. I never thought that the school system is so low nowadays.

Bonus pictures: