Jolla Community Phone Q/A

Hello, Ahoy!

As suggested during the Jolla Love day 2, I’d like to open a discussion regarding the new community device. Maybe you have a question too, let’s ask it together!

The reason for this topic is… I’d love to buy it (and I still most probably will) but I am really, really tired of the half-working SFOS hardware adaptation with features which have never been implemented and bugs never fixed… I’d love to finally have fully, not half, baked SFOS device.

I am wondering:

  • Whether the device will have 1st class integration with SFOS from day 1, in other words if it is supposed to be a flag ship of SailfishOS or rather a developer device

  • Will it have reliable Bluetooth? Also for Android support layer?

  • Will it support double-tap to wake up the device without battery life sacrifice?

  • Will you consider prioritization of the backup/restore function improvement for the device release date so that users can travel between devices smoothly since the day one of your new journey? More about it at [1].

  • What type of display will it have? Are you considering OLED?

  • On top of the previous question, is the device hardware specification still in consideration or it’s decided already?

  • Are you considering to surprise users with support for any screen sharing/presenting technology for this or any future device?

Thank you!

[1] Currently, backup/restore is unreliable because cloud backup creates device-specific backups and does not “see” backups from different devices, SD card backup is the only functional option when swapping phones. Restore function does not respect joined people contacts (the case when you have contacts in phone and contacts synced from cloud services) and the contacts are “split” after restore. It does not restore app data like notes (and that’s the integrated app) or any other Harbour apps! Current state is exhausting and I am avoiding the time I would need to do it again, which is discouraging me from considering continuation of this path.


For what it’s worth Jolla C did have all its features working pretty well, would expect the same from jc2 as the next reference device, even if missing some of the latest features (5g in case of jc2, I guess nfc/compass from jc1)


You clearly don’t work in SW development :slight_smile:

Seems unlikely.

Depends on your definition. Bluez has always been kind of garbage (go contribute to it) and will remain that way [not an awful lot Jolla can do about it - though i have seen them contributing]. I have no particular issues on my 10 III though.

Definitely not.

That’s software, not hardware. (Please contribute!)

Again, not hardware related at all (or hardware-adaptation). This is quickly becoming the gazillionth list-of-personal -grievances thread.

As per the other thread - looks a lot like LCD with those low specs.

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On a more positive note… will the device adaptation be open so people can help out?


Well, my point regarding software related questions is if some (subset important to me) of the long-time expected or let’s say requested features will be released at the time of the new device (surprise surprise!).

Double tap to wake up is Nokia N9 legacy and I still nourish my N9 :slight_smile: I’d still like to see more of its legacy in Jolla Sailfish devices (like the perfectly functional Bluetooth for example or my favorite Swype keyboard). I can understand some problems on adapted devices (Xperia) but I would be very disappointed about it on Jolla hardware, thus my questions.

Backup/restore is essential! I understand it might seem to you like “the gazillionth list-of-personal -grievances thread” but if one more Jolla supporter from Day 1 won’t buy their next device because of that, isn’t it kind of relevant…? And yes, I did consider contribution regarding this specific area but I simply cannot handle more load. I contribute to too many communities already. And I definitely do not want to spend another afternoon restoring all data manually.


Sure, some software-only things can happen “in celebration of” a new device, but you really should temper your expectations.

As a gazillionth thread, not really, no (which was the point).


What’s the modem of this new phone?
I’m asking since I’d like to know if VoLTE would work everywhere.

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Should be Unisoc in-hose stuff if nothing else specified.

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I would buy it if I hadn’t already bought an Xperia 10 V a few weeks ago…

Possibly Jolla Community phone?

Bench Reeder S19 Max Pro S - Geekbench


Kinda surprising they are going for a 4g phone i mean, they have all kind of problems with volte and anyway how do they plan to be whitelisted by european operators?almost no operator gives a sheet about sonys, let alone an unknown phone with an unknown operating system

Would have seriously liked to have another jolla phone, but not without 5g

In my opinion it’s definitely mandatory in 2024…


Forgive my ignore, but how does 5g fix the issues with VoLTE?

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It does not.
By the way, the JC2 does not have 5G.

It dont come with screen protector or case
Like my JollaC, it scatch every corner. LOL. This is impossible to buy those protector in the market

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Screen protectors are snake oil.

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looks like another Intex/JollaC phone. hard pass.

Bluez has always been kind of garbage (go contribute to it) and will remain that way [not an awful lot Jolla can do about it - though i have seen them contributing].

What’s a better stack? Idk if I’ve ever seen one, and I follow everything.

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There aren’t any others that are relevant for us that i’m aware. Thus not an easy problem.

Heh, that’s what I thought, too. I don’t use them. BUT, after spending 89 euro on my sons (first) screen blam, I found out that gigaset does a hybrid screen protector that’s 1mm thick. It’s pretty amazing. It’s some composite plastic/glass and cost a bunch (22 euro), but not snake oil.

Not really. I’ve had, since day one, a thin plastic protector (from on my J1 and JC, and they are both in mint condition still.
I’m pretty sure yours are not.

Perhaps not mint, but extremely close.

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