Jolla C2 Community Phone: your feedback is needed!

Just stop, once you used JT or other sfos tablet pls come back and fix your absurd assertions, you know nothing about using sfos on a big screen yet keep spewing bs that has nothing to reality, android apps are a great backup not something to worry about and skip a sfos device over, just keep yourself in your cave and skip more devices until all the apps you need miraculously appear, retarded

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I am trying to explain all the limitations i see -regardless of form factor- and you keep trying to avoid reality.

Even as a “full linux device (or distro to be more exact)” sailfish isn’t on the same level as my laptop. In theory it should have been right? Its full linux isn’t it? But various factors -others due to jollas extremely bad choices and others out of their control- make the os worst that it should/could have been even on that level.

Reality is:

You’re full of bs, 99% of sfos users happily(or unhappily, they still do) use android apps, by your advice sfos would’ve died a decade ago, thanks for your super extremist pov, but again android app support is a plus not something to be ashamed of, if you can’t use sfos with android apps, have fun on the sideways cheering until noone uses sfos, as I said retarded


Why do you need so special words (like retarded, absurd, full of) to defend your position? Come on. The sun is shining and flypig has released the new browser version for public final test. That’s great news!


The Jolla Tablet’s only real problem is the software: hundreds of bugs (both in general and specific to the Jolla Tablet) kept getting introduced but were never fixed (somewhat understandably, but still a shame), and since an update a few years ago, something keeps the CPU active at all times, causing the battery percentage to (literally) continously drop while you’re looking at an empty home screen. I loved using it and Sailfish definitely works wonders on a large screen, but having to keep it connected to a charger (and actually charging due to the permanent high CPU drain) all the time caused my battery to inflate, so I had to stop using it. If not for those problems, it would still be perfectly usable today.

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Prettt sure that was just hw failure, my tablet works great still (or maybe you installed some of the experimental qt5.15 libs, those were causing a ton of issues on the tablet like unreliable booting without plugged in power, wifi chip not loading… you name it), it’s amazing how usable it still is 8 years later, and no idea about special words, it is what it is, ppl who never used sfos in tablet form really should not be spewing bs about usability

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