Jolla C2 Community Phone: your feedback is needed!

The first one is it’s founding split from Nokia
who were all to eager to work with a US company that wasn’t going to be a success.
The next political issue has been war cutting into Jolla/Sailfish’ business.
I don’t know how much this affected Jolla, but it can’t have been zero.
This time Jolla is getting its phones from Turkey.
And it has a similar uncertain political issue as the previous one.

I’m not blaming Jolla for this to be honest.
The rising industrial bases are in the East.


Please can you explain this in more details for me? What’s means “political issue” here? And “cutting”?

How can that be a political issue, or a uncertainty? Jolla is a new company standing on its own foundation and has nothing to do with Nokia, except that the founders once worked for Nokia and that they brought a large part of the OS code with them.

The next political issue has been war cutting into Jolla/Sailfish’ business.

Of course it affected Jolla, and that is why Jolla now is Jollyboys, who no longer have any ties to the Russians.

This time Jolla is getting its phones from Turkey.

Same as many other company’s who gets a lot of stuff from Turkey.
I eat Turkish food products every day, do you think also that is an uncertain political issue? Turkey is a member of Nato and have close trade relations with Europe. What we think about Erdogan and his regime has nothing do with it. Not yet anyway.


Cutting as in losing money, investors and clients.


Cutting as in losing money, investors and clients.

The linked summary is a little bit outdated, isn’t it?

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Luckiky, yes.

But hansfw asked for context, and this is it.


It is.
But I was asked why I bought the Pinephone early this year.
I thought that perhaps this would be the new direction of Linux phones due to politics/economy.
It isn’t.

I stopped using SFOS as my daily driver after my Xperia broke, but I checked Jolla Blog from time to time to check what’s new. Now imagine my surprise when I found out that there is a new Jolla Phone, it’s shipping starts soon and there is no news on a blog.

That being said after first hype, I’m disappointed with the hardware choice for new Jolla Phone. I checked the phone manufacturer Reeder and their phone models. Unfortunately Jolla C2 or Reeder S19 MAX PRO S despite it’s name is budget low end phone with dated design. Too bad, because I was searching for a new phone and I was very happy with first Jolla C.

If the chosen model was Reeder S19 MAX PRO S EDGE, it would still be overpriced budget phone, but with SFOS preinstalled and actual sleek design I would seriously consider it.


Although it’s called a ‘community phone’, I’m pretty sure Jolla’s idea is also to test the waters and see if they can move away from Xperia licenses and move towards preinstalled devices with Reeder as their hardware partner. If the C2 works out and Jolla isn’t hit with yet another disaster that’s out of their control, there’s bound to be more devices with higher specifications. That said, I don’t think the C2 is all that different from the C1, which wasn’t exactly praised for its impressive specs, either (and coincidentally was also physically larger than the previous phone). Of course, it was cheaper and had a permanent license, but there’s also been 30% inflation since the C1…


You want them to compete with a 1500 Dollar IPhone or a Samsung S24 ultra on a HW level? How many people do you think would buy a smartphone in that price range (or a little above because you want to be better or at least it would be more expensive to produce it in smaller quantities)?

Best regards

Another important distinction between those kind of phones in my opinion:

For a 300$ officially supported device, I expect the small bugs that arises to be fixed.

For a 1500$ device I do not expect bugs.

So this would not be the same amount of works for the developers of Jollyboys.

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The final price is not important that much. At least in my environment, I think that more expensive Apple and Samsung devices are sold than no-name phones. The point is the contract with operater. The most of the phones are sold via operaters with 12-24 monthly chunks + loyality points + discount on binding to the operater. In fact, even 40 EUR per month for 2 years is not hard to get from grandpa and grandma for an average teenager and you have the latest/greatest.

My question is always, what would take to Jolla to have their phones officialy supported by operaters. I remember, I would never buy N9 in those days, I was in shopping for some Sxx, dont remember anymore, but there was N9 lying on the table in the shop for just 1 EUR with binding for 24 months. Did not know, that it exists, before buyed it.

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That was when smartphones was new/unknown… wouldn’t work today.

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Imho with SFOS is no income for advertising business, therefore less interest from big business and big tech.

I disagree.
Sure; i’m not everyone… but over here contracts are so cheap that there is no room whatsoever to make the phone any cheaper. Now it’s just consumption loans in disguise. Sometimes it’s actually more expensive because people don’t switch on their brain.

So for all the possible crowds to attract; the ones doing consumption loans is probably quite far down on the list of how well it would go.


First and foremost i don’t want to carry a fucking tablet around. I don’t care about the fastest chipsets but i’d love a device that is well build, feels nice in the hand, has 5g i can use and is reliable in general. Stuff like video out and wireless charging would also be nice to have.

Then is the SW side of things that are a million things that need to be fixed, improved and redesigned.

I’d gladly pay 600-700 for something like that.


Yeah und exactly that is the problem, right? “If Requirement A, B, C, D and all the sub requirements are met, I am willing to pay x-thousands of Euros no doubt.”

For now they are not all met. What to do till they can be, if they can be met at all. And of cause if we get one of those fullfilled, the next request is just around the corner and when it is 700 Euros then, people will say “I am willing to pay that if E is met.”

And are there enough people who are willing to pay that then? We all know how this works.

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Its as simple as “it doesn’t fit my needs i don’t buy it”.

The only thing i can do is provide feedback on what is missing in hope that jolla might fix it. I cant help if jolla has other priorities.

Sure, that’s like it is.
Anyway asking for more than can be reasonable provided isn’t useful – make it something at least reasonable archieveable.

I wish they had gone with slightly more expensive model, eg +20% for better display/cpu/5G