Jolla C2 Community Phone: your feedback is needed!

What a drama! I wonder who now makes new Volla and the Volla tablet.

Guys. Topic.    



Since there are many improvements that have to be done in the OS is there any particular area you are planning to prioritize over others for 5.0?

Maybe the/our suggestions can be more focused.

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I don’t see any benefit to buying into this second foray of a “community” device.

This is not much different to the Jolla C phone offering before and what was the benefit to those that bought into it?, other than poorly made, out-of-date hardware, yet, here we are again, old hardware, what’s wrong with the Sony devices we all bought into?, are Jolla moving away from the Sony devices?

What did the Jolla C community device do to improve Sailfish in general?, and if improvements were made because of Jolla C, what were those improvements?, how did users of Jolla C benefit…I thought we were ALL community…?

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The screen ratio
the need to unlock and flash it
the lack of proprietary drivers, e.g. camera, gps

good enough

What did Jolla to fix the bugs and bring the system up to date (kernel, qt version)?

What has a new decice to do with an old one?


Maybe you are one of the many peoples the C2 is not designed for you. As I understand the announcements the C2 e.g. is not designed to be the best hardware on the market. For me the announcements is clear. The 2 plus points of the C2 are preinstalled SailfishOS and the reference development device for OS and apps. A third plus point can be that the C2 is a test device for the combination SailfishOS and Reeder device. For me this cooperation is a big chance. And as always a smaller price is better.

You will always find something missing if you buy a phone which is not designed to your requirements. This is not special for C2 of course. But maybe a new thread discussing requirements for the ideal phone can help to find requirements for a next phone “C3”.


I agree, different phones fits different needs. Nevertheless, many might disagree but the proposed hardware is a fairly good choice because of its pricepoint. If you look at the pinephone - original pinephone is a ancient hardware that runs poorly and there is a pro model with more recent soc. Original one is priced similarly around 200$, and for pro you pay double. Original one sales better and is considered a reference phone for mobile Linux development mainly because of its price and availability. C2 also has a similar possibility to fit broader audience and act as a reference device. According to Jolla statements this is the target for the C2. Little chances are that can be done with a phone that costs 400$. Ideal phone does not exist.


The issue is though that all the HW tries jolla did were mediocre at best. Yes they don’t have the funds and such but the HW isn’t helping SFOS spread.

And then there are the decisions on the SW side that don’t help either.

In other words people want a device that is usable and at the moment SFOS leaves a lot to be desired even for the geek/early adopter crowd.


Do you think we need a C3 with all the goodies required here in this thread? I think this discussion earned an own thread.

Its not about a C3. Its about all the things that keep SFOS back. For quite some time now it feels stagnant and things don’t seem to even move the slightest bit.

Ok. I can’t discuss your feelings here in a software forum. For me the SFOS makes great steps in this days. And the cooperation with Reeder creates hope on more devices. But maybe pessimism and optimism is not in the topics of this thread.


While the C2 may not have top-tier specs on paper, I’m optimistic that the porting process will make efficient use of the hardware, unlike the underutilised features of the Xperia devices.


Can you name a few of those great steps SFOS took lately?

I will answer with a private message for avoiding off topic. Please wait a moment …

Do it here please. Its a topic about improvements.

We are all very curious and want it to know, please post here!


You are right, this gives Jolla the opportunity to improve the OS, to work on stability. We all know that after each update on a Sony a lot of bugs had to be repaired. If the coöperation with this Turkish company is satisfying, perhaps in the future a more sustainable device (e.g. a replaceable battery) with better specs and 5G can be developed.

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It’s the only other Linux phone out there that’s not overpriced.
And it doesn’t have the political issues and further uncertainties Jolla/Sailfish has.
It’s been tinkered on for years and meant to be a daily driver once tinkered long enough.
I thought it was worth a shot.


Excuse me! What ‘political issues and further uncertainties’ does Jolla/Sailfish have in your opinion?

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You get what you pay for. As far as I understood what PP is, it was NEVER meant for daily-driving, only software/firmware development. And look at the progress we got for Plasma Mobile or Phosh for example. So no, even with heavy tinkering, I can’t imagine using PP as a phone. However, if you put the keyboard clam shell on it, it CAN be a good portable terminal.