Jolla C2 Community Phone: your feedback is needed!

I currently have a Pinephone.
It’s the worst mobile phone I’ve ever held.
Battery life is unbearable.
I can’t get rid of it fast enough.

I could (or should) have bought a sony Xperia III or even IV?
But I bought a voucher for the Jolla C2 instead,
because that was the only I saw in Jolla’s shop
and it seems like the future for Linux phones.

If I were spoiled I would have bought a Volla phone and went with Ubuntu Touch.

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Thank you for speaking up.


Thanks for the effort!
Looks like we are going to wait on a official reply. :grin:

I hope a fingerprint reader is there and preferably on the side so a privacy screen protector wont cause issues. :+1:


Your first mistake: Thinking PinePhone is a real phone and not a tinker toy / development device / tech curiosity.


Ideally, yes :smiley:
I’d love to have an official SFOS phone that also has wireless charging, but I don’t think that would fit the budget.


It is takes me back to the OpenMoko days… :thinking: :smiley:


Having the fingerprint reader in the side made good sense to me too.

It seems odd to me how many companies don’t include wireless charging when it was available on practically every lumia and it seems to be just a small coil of metal on the back.
I find its absence to be a strong purchasing disincentive on any handset.

I’m very interested to see the C2 phone and I will be strongly tempted to order one once I can see exactly what it is and what it does.

SFOS is a beautiful OS and a lot of things about it work really well, but with the 10 III it felt mismatched to the phone in a number of ways.

If the camera on the C2 is better than a Lumia 950, which is a tough act to follow even now, then I will be very interested in coming across.


As much as I like wireless charging it is still very inefficient way of charging and not the best for your battery. I remember that my Palm Pre already had it way back… still having the option is a good thing.

I am a 2 phone person, Work and Private. Not to worried about the camera because of that, but there is a nice trend going that the younger people take a legit camera instead of the phone for taking pictures.


Same too. I like to keep my private and work life separate for multitude of reasons.


You know, my experience was that wireless charging simply wasn’t as good as plugging in: that the battery would drain faster and that, even when you went back to cable-charging the battery retention was diminished.
It did feel like a noticeable difference, but you kind of dismissed it all the same.

My N9 was too smooth to stay on a charging pad for any length of time, so it was mostly spared that problem.

That is a nice trend to observe. Having pre-Windows 7 Phone ‘pocket-pc phones’ as well as an EVF ‘superzoom’ camera worked great for me for many years.
When you have small children though, having extra stuff to carry around is something that you’re keen to avoid.

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Sure, but I got used to just putting the Volla22 on the charging stand once every few days. So neat compared to cable.

Does the C2 have a notification led? A quick search didn’t help me.


I appreciate that Jolla decided to offer a preflashed phone with Sailfish. This is necessary in order to attract new customers. I’ve flashed three times now while sweating carrots. The last time was at the 10 III. It still has echo and the device happened to be too narrow, therefore I have difficulty reading and typing. Fingerprint on the side never worked properly. It always works on my XA2 plus with fingerprint on the back. The best phone with Sailfish I ever had. But GPS is crappy on the XA2 plus and the cardslot is broken.
So my sim changes from the XA2 plus to the second hand Vollaphone I got and vice versa and I still enjoy the beauty and easy UI of the XA2 plus.
I also appreciate that Jolla sticks to a phone with cardslot and jack. Better for the environment too.
But I regret that Jolla did not coöperate with Gigaset. Opening up a phone like with Jolla 1, being able to replace the battery etc., that’s
really promising.
For now I didn’t order the Reeder because finance doesn’t allow it at the moment and because I hardly know anything of that device.


You know that gigaset went for consolidation just last year … again?
So maybe not that bad decission, after all

Initially i also thought gigaset would be a good match even though it effectivelly belongs to an chinese company btw.

Yes, I know. Siemens and China, indeed. It’s nearly impossible to bypass China also because many parts are Chinese. But Vollaphone and Rephone are assembled and customized in Germany. That has advantages. To my experience Vollaphone/Gigaset is faster, snappier than Sony with Sailfish and the connection with wifi works better.

I always thought that Volla is a branded Gigaset. At least my old (unfortunately broken) Volla Phone was a GS290. Isn’t it?

as piggz port runs on vollaphone and gs290 i assume it is just rebranded

Yes, it is. Designed and assembled by Gigaset in Germany.Gigaset is part of Siemens. It’s hard to lay a finger on the financial backgrounds and escapades of companies, who investigates in what, etc.

According to my information, Siemens no longer has anything to do with Gigaset. In 2010, Siemens sold its last Gigaset shares.


In September 2023, the company filed for insolvency proceedings and is therefore considered bankrupt. On January 24, 2024, Gigaset published a press release that the Chinese company VTech Holdings Limited is acquiring the landline phone manufacturer.

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