Jolla C2 Community Phone: your feedback is needed!

I had XA2 and back then it was terribly slow for me. Will not search for versions now. That phone was stolen before 4.x era.

I have currently an Xperia 10 III as a daily driver, andI am satisfied with a lot. Camera is the most annoying thung I would like to see improved. And I will buy the C2 exactly because I would like to have tje best jardware experience with SFOS.

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For me a let down is the lack of 5G modem in the C2. All this work to get 5G enabled in the stack only to get a non-5G capable hardware.


I would like to understand why the HW Reeder provides would be more suitable for SFOS than, for instance, Sony’s HW. Or putting it differently: Why should the user experience with SFOS on Reeder HW should be superior to the user experience with SFOS on a Xperia 10 HW?

My observation is that the HW adaptation for the Xperia 10 ii is very good. The idle energy consumption is minimal (3% per night), all cameras are working and we even have stereo sound (a plus compared to the Android version). However, the Xperia 10 ii is so much slower than the Xperia 10 iii. On the other hand, HW adaptation for the Xperia 10 iii is far from perfect, but at least 5G works fine.

Besides lacking 5G i am also worried that the C2 might simply be slower than the Xperia 10 iii. Please correct me, if I am mistaken.

So what would be the advantage of the C2 over - let’s say - the Xperia 10 iii (or iv/v)?

EDIT: the answer might be related to the availabilty of BLOBs for the HW adaptation


I think it is obvious
Reeder has SFOS preinstalled which is a better user experience - in my opinion.
Installing on Sony Xperia requires you to unlock the bootloader which shows you a message with a delay on every boot and you lost your warranty.


If it is only the installation - than most members in this forum are not the target group for the C2 since most (all?) of us managed the installation.

My question relates to the user experience after (successful) installation of SFOS

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There is more to a browser than the engine itself and its toooooooo much work making one (browser). I know the engine is used in other parts of the OS but without a proper browser the phone/OS still remains crippled.

What problems, apart from a dated engine, are you referring to?

Many sites don’t work, ie banks see it as an outdated browser and cant use the webUI. This would solve a big issue for me at least.

Other than that it would be really nice if i could sync bookmarks and passwords etc.


That first part is indeed the main issue - and precisely what the engine update is addressing.
(Strictly speaking only improving, not exactly fixing).

With the browser being open, sync (but to what service?!) is something the community could address.

Are the browser’s ‘frequent oom crashes’ solved by the latest SFOS release?

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Not in Europe.


In most communities the amount of coders is small and they also have to work elsewhere for a living. Even jolla is small and would be nice if they could focus their efforts on the main OS instead of having to maintain apps that are not “strictly” necessary or can be found elsewhere.

There are million things in SFOS that need to be fixed and everything that can be “outsourced” should be taken off jollas hands. IMO at least.

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Had experienced a non-unlockable bootloader and failed the installation. To me official preinstallation and branding is the definitive factor, the hardware spec of C2 isn’t impressive after all. Somehow I think experience on C2 would be better optimised and more stable, maybe from the trailer, maybe since it’s Jolla-branded…can’t tell.

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I fully agree - having SFOS preinstalled is definitely a plus.

And I somehow share your hopes regarding optimization and stabilty because Jolla might have better access to the BLOBs


Where is the C2?
Wasn’t it going to be released today?


We are communicating delivery update on a separate thread. Please follow delivery update from here.


What the hell is wrong with you guys? Is impatience a global plague, or are you all just a bunch of spoiled brats?
Sorry, no offence. It just had to be said.


Maybe I missed it but where is the fingerprint reader located? :thinking:

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I’ve looked up the phone on the Reeder page (since it looks like it’s Reeder S19 MAX PRO S model (what a mouthful)), and it appears to be on the side, similar to Xperia 10.

Edit: Looking at the specs on this page, it looks like it doesn’t have one? Other pages claim it has one. I am a tad confused, not gonna lie.