Installing microG on Sailfish OS

I don’t see anything new here :grinning:

The GPS stopped working thread is initally about the XA2, which cannot connect to a SUPL server without suplpatch, because it has no certificate for the secure connection. So your settings were already tested and do not work on the XA2.

And many people claimed that they don’t wan’t to use A-GPS, because this does not fix the initial problem.

Also SUPL only works with mobile data not when connected to a wifi network.

All other settings you posted are already known.

A simple summary, that’s the novelty. :slight_smile:

The patch exists so the XA2 users should be happy.

This part is not clear for me

I can understand that they wish to use ‘device only’ mode because privacy concerns but I did not get that the GPS was previously working indoor without A-GPS. Is it a specific problem of XA2 or a general problem? Considering that I have a X10II, it might be a general problem.

Without changes was working well with a WiFi connection over fiber probably because such a connection was able to sync the system clock precisely enough and obviously this require the autoupdate of time/date set.

With these changes is working with a mobile 4G connection + UDP VPN, also. So, from my PoV is a great advantage because now I can have indoor GPS quickly working with my mobile connection. Which was my goal.

Quite a late reply, but maybe could still be relevant. In my experience, that “something” is giving the module the permission to allow it to access location at all times.


I can´t find to tick…" grant it signature spoofing using the " enable system package replacement " permission
For the PlayStore advaced tips…
Can anyone give me a clue… Thanks

Is that the one in Settings - System - Android AppSupport, which you check to allow the replacing of system packages with their unofficial versions?


I thin its the same… but with different name…

Can’t grant Signature Spoofing Permissions… It says only loading under every title in the Permission manage - Control app access to your data. Any ideas what to do? Using Jolla C2.

That sounds a lot like you are using the Android settings. Spoofing is controlled in the regular SFOS settings.

How? In the wiki it says " Grant Signature Spoofing Permissions

  • You need to go to the Android settings .
    1. Go to Settings app
    2. section section Info , tool Android™ App Support
    3. Push the Android version field five times

Like it says here: Installing microG on Sailfish OS
(link to specific section in the first post)

Where are you reading?

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Yep, already did that. But can’t grant the “Spoof package signature” permission in the Android settings…

Even though I enable signature spoofing in the Android app settings, MicroG Can’t grant signature spoofing permissions on the Jolla C2.

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So I’m not the only one…

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I’m in the same boat. Checked multiple times that I followed the instructions carefully.

double check the application rights on the android side (app permissions, “Spoof package signatures”);
make sure you have:

  • microG Compoanion
  • microG Services Core

installed from F-droid; both of these need signature spoofing.

After Sailfish OS update I can give permission, and now I have all of the checks. Still not able to use android apps that require google play services.

This should be right?

And still when I check them, this is what I (we?) get.

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Make sure you have the correct versions of the packages ; on xperia 10v ii its
microg core :
conpanion: 0.2.1

might depend on the aosp verdion tho, so not sure these numbers apply to aosp 14 (or was it 15?)

alsp after enabling all this spoofing stuff, you have to reboot.
Im wondering actually, how comes the appsupport needs the spoofing?

Surely F-droid takes care of any version matching if you use that?

Source? Surely restarting the AAS is enough. It has no connection to the actual OS.

Huh? MicroG needs it; because some apps are silly.

And for completeness; i’m not getting further than @matti.tujula either - and we definitely should.


not on xperia 10ii im afraid :slight_smile:
also, the last updates unsetted the package spoofing option.

microg runs in appsuport or not?