ICE (In Case Of Emergency) field on lock screen

I have no idea how you managed to show it in preview, but I think you have to specify path to image, like <img src="/path/to/cri.jpg">. At least, that’s what I did.

well at first I just had /img.jpg because I put it in the same folder. After I entered the full path it showed up on the screen…still uncentered

I assume that you placed the image in the same directory as the patch itself (i.e. /usr/share/patchmanager/patches/custom-text-on-lockscreen). So while entering just its file name (rather than full path) makes the image work in the preview (as it finds it in its own directory), note that the code of the Lock screen that this patch patches is located in a completely different place, i.e. /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt/lockscreen/LockItem.qml. So in order to be able to find your image it needs full path to it, e.g.


As for centering the image, let me check it in the evening. I guess that the problem is caused by that there is no implicit width of that Label element (it is dynamically set by the width of the text you enter in it) and HTML support is unable to center it within an unknown width. It would have to be hard-set to some explicit width (maybe e.g. display width), but it might in turn conflict with something else.

Maybe at some point I’ll enhance the patch with a separate optional Image element dedicated to showing an image under the text, which would automatically center an image and could make other things with it, but it currently exceeds what this patch was meant to do.

You can always edit the image on PC and add some transparent space on both sides so that the image is wider than the remaining text (or even as wide as the screen) and it’ll appear centered.

thanks again wetab73. I’m not ready for a Gimp refresher course, I just added some text on each side for the moment. Edit, I replaced that text with   - perfect!

Even better, you can put &nbsp; on each side. It is an invisible space. This is enough to get the image centered.

Ah, I was unaware, thank you.

I have been using it for more then a week now, @wetab73 and no problem whatsoever. I think it is safe to publish in web catalogue.
Thanks again for this useful patch. :+1:


Thank you, I will do it soon.

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Regarding ICE feature not being implemented due to privacy: consider that being able to call select contacts without unlocking has use cases that preserve privacy too.

I normally add stripped down contacts for my wife and lawyer. So when I get pulled over, arrested or a search warrant is being served, I can call my lawyer and/or get my wife’s number without worrying about the risk of my phone being yanked from my hands in an unlocked state…

Because cops might absolutely do this, especially if they failed to get into your electronics before :slight_smile:

Also, as long as the feature is off by default there is no risk to privacy. They can even add a big warning when enabling it.

So just re-brand this from ICE to ICLE (In Case of Law Enforcement) or ‘unsafe environment precaution’ etc. and it’s actually a crucial feature that every privacy/security conscious user should want to have :wink:


Hi wetab73
I just reflashed and wanted to reinstall this patch, it’s not on the web catalogue and I had to reread a lot of this thread to find out what to do! Could you upload it? Thanks

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Hi, OK, I’ll upload it soon.


gentle reminder (20 chars)

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It is still not available to web catalog or iam blind? Whould be anice feature.


Hi wetab73, I’d love to have this patch on the pinetab2. After all the great you’ve done it seems a pity to let it go to waste. Hope everything is ok with you…

I could upload an RPM if you want?

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Great, thanks a lot.

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I’ve sent you a link.

thanks, works great! Could you upload it to the web catalog too?

I don’t have access to the web catalogue but I could possible upload to OpenRepos , if it’s okay with @wetab73.

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I’m sorry, I just don’t have time to do it at the moment. Please feel free to upload it to wherever you want.