ICE (In Case Of Emergency) field on lock screen

OK, so it’s on OpenRepos!


I’ve installed it on an XA2 plus with and it doesn’t work. All I get is a constant stream of ‘Failed to activate patch’ notifications. Tried rebooting after patch installed but made no difference. Had to remove it to stop notifications now. Will try it on Xperia 10 iii later and see if it works on that.

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Did you try to activate “No version control” in patchmanager settings?
Come to think of it… what patchmanager version is installed?

If you’re referring to the version check setting, this is set to ‘No check’. The patch manager version is 3.2.11.

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Then we are ok so far. I have no experience at all of the XA2 but I’ll let you know if something else come to my mind.

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XA2, no problems (I have 31 activated patches):

  • installed patch

In Patchmanager

  • tapped to configure
  • activated patch
  • restarted service(s)

I constantly am surprised by how the same SFOS release on the same device can result in different problems. I have other patches working on my XA2 perfectly (e.g. the Combined Launcher patch) - just not this one!

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Now installed in on my Xperia 10 iii running The patch installed fine, it could be configured and activated. The ICE text is displayed on the lock screen in any of the four rows. So, works on this device fine. Since I followed the same process on both the XA2 and the 10 iii, I don’t think it is me doing something wrong now.

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As for the patch itself, it works perfectly well on my XA2 Ultra, and there is no reason for it not to work on any model and any 4.4 or 4.5 OS release. Maybe it is in conflict with some other patch on that device.


It also works on my xa2 ultra. Steve, maybe try deactivating all patches then re-enabling.

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I agree, it should work on my XA2, but for whatever reason it doesn’t at the moment. The XA2 Plus is my newest phone running SFOS (bought because of the 6Gb RAM) and was newly flashed with just over a week ago. My 10 iii I’ve had for a while and that has been upgraded through a few releases to I wonder if that could make any difference? Anyhow, my next step is to remove all patches (including the ones that are working fine), and then patch manager and then put it all back to see if that helps.

note 2 things: the new rpm patch is called “custom-text-on-lockscreen”, not “contact -data…” as before. And the files in /usr/share/patchmanager/patches/… are protected so you may have to chown existing ones if they haven’t been deleted (wild guess, I know nothing about under the hood mysteries).

Ok, so de-installed all of the patches and patch manager and then re-installed patch manager and then the patches (but not necessarily in the same order) and … it works!

No idea why though …

Just a thank for this discussion and this patch. Nice concept, good idea. I didn’t notice it before.


Grea that it works, I also think the order of the patches might be at play. What other homescreen patches do you have?

Since I discovered Patch Manager I’ve tried out various patches on the XA2 to see what they do. Some I’ve installed and then removed, so this time around I only now have the ICE patch and the Combined Launcher patch installed. I suspect you are right that the ICE patch didn’t play well with some other patch I’d previously installed.

I took a look at the rpm and noticed that the scriptlet has two a bugs. I am sure that the spec file has a missing $ for the {name} vars. But you could delete the scripts at all because everything that they do, can be specified in the spec file (%dir for patch dir, %attr(644,root,root) filename). :+1:

I don’t really get it, is there something not working for you?
If it’s about SFOS 4.6*, I’m not there yet.
There is too many bugs to upgrade my daily device before I get my hands on the flash able image.
Of course I will try to fix any problem when my hardware is back on track.

Primarily its about the missign variable substitution of {name}:

$ rpm -qp --scripts custom-text-on-lockscreen-0.4.0-1.noarch.rpm

postinstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
chmod 644 /usr/share/patchmanager/patches/{name}/*.*
postuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
rm -rf /usr/share/patchmanager/patches/{name}
if [ $1 = 1 ]; then
echo "Upgrading"

Hi, is there any plan on releasing a Version for 4.6?
Or is it save to use the old 4.5 Version?