Might look like a stupid question, but it’s not actually… are you inside or outside when trying to get a position fix? Because I’ve never succeeded inside a house.
Jolla Store MLS data updated to the level of 2024-03-15 in OS update Sauna
“Location & Maps
Changed the way offline data is stored and handled.
Tapping location information in a calendar event causes a list of installed map apps to appear. Select one to see the position on the map
MLS data updated to the level of 2024-03-15”
You are talking about Sailfish However, this does not directly concern the Jolla C2, which is in (Tampella). What’s more, MLS data is no longer supported, as indicated @eson in the message: How to make the GPS work with a Jolla C2? - #30 by eson
I had also tried to use this solution by installing the package for my country of residence and the one for continental Europe, without any more success than the other attempts, even after restarting the phone.
Unfortunately it seems like a hardware issue in your case. However good that you tested it. In my case, I can even get GPS signal (5-6 satellites) inside a building but close to a window, seems I’m lucky with my hardware.
It wouldn’t make sense to open your device at this point to locate and eventually fix the GPS antenna or connection points on the board. I would recommend you to contact Jolla and replace the device since you have still have warranty.
Is this something you could confirm @rainemak re. it potentially being a hardware issue? Are there any logs we could provide to help debug this to confirm whether or not it’s a software or hardware issue?
Well, I do.
You most probably was indoor all the time, and suddenly realised that you should try outdoor.
Nothing to be ashamed of, we have all been there, but it really is more helpful to be honest about your own actions when asking people for help.
PS. As I said elsewhere, I’m not at all political correct.
@danield : Please, when you test the GPS receiver of your device: Always set to GPS only in Settings/Location, always use GPSInfo, and report also the signal strengths you have. This is visible on the 3rd page right in the GPSInfo app.
And please always go to the same place outside with good sight to the sky.
Thank you for your answers. But I remind you that the tests were done both inside and outside…
So thank you very much for taking me for a dishonest person, and an idiot at that. It’s understood that this is all I have to do: waste my time and make others waste theirs. Good weekend
Bit rich of you to assume they were lying. I have changed nothing in my behavior with the device and it just happened to work after enough tries. Are you going to claim that I am being intentionally misleading as well (if so, could you please explain what sort of motive I would have to do so), or maybe you could be a bit more sensible and consider that there are other technical reasons why it would have simply not worked?
It’s just that I have seen this behaviour so many times, where people are ashamed to admit that they have not understood, or have done something wrong on their own.
And yes, I know I am sometimes uncomfortably honest. Yesterday, was one of those times.