That’s indeed true, since GPS is almost entirely handled by the SOC. If you check the implementation in SailfishOS, you will notice that it merely injects the current time and some APGS information if allowed to do so (e.g not allowed in flight mode).
Some even call rudeness ‘politically correct’. I am sorry you had to experience this.
To my regret Sailfish becomes an OS for tinkerers only. This isn’t a good development. Alternatives to the duopoly ate necessary more than ever.
Inserted SIM-card (in a hope SFOS will be picking position from cellular towers) and switched location to ‘High-accuracy positioning’ - no fix :(… @rainemak any hints on how to troubleshoot positioning further?
I tried it just now with my C2 with GPS Info app and the basic “GPS only” settings. Had to swipe over to the signal map (right swipe) after it started and then went back to the info screen and got a fix immediately, while standing at the window.
So works for me.
Thanks. Were you indoor or outdoor? Anyway, ‘immediately’ sounds too good based on my observations… But maybe I have hw issue. I guess will contact Jolla support and see if they can provide further troubleshooting hints
Tried it just earlier again, still indoor at western window. The only thing that might differ my device from yours is that I flashed manually for the 10GB root partition.
Below, feedback from the support team on the GPS. In particular, it recommends that I install Mozilla Positioning - Western Europe, whereas some of the responses here indicate that this is not necessary.
offers Postalcode
accuracy, i.e. if an application requests location information of accuracy Postalcode
or below, mlsdb might help. For accuracy Detailed
GPS is required.
If the C2 uses AGPS (aka SUPL), the SUPL request will contain MCC, MNC and CID such that the SUPL server will make that lookup anyhow and has more recent information. Without AGPS it won’t help either.
However, this “official” recommendation does not work, as seen and stated previously
How to know if C2 uses it?
From hybrisprovider.cpp:281 it looks like geoclue-hybris
picks up configuration files /vendor/etc/gps.conf
or /system/etc/gps.conf
are configured in one of them, it probably at least tries to use AGPS. That does not mean, that it will work. The XA2 it notorious in that respect and I haven’t got a C2.