I just downloaded that zip and yes, you’re right. I’m now also downloading the one from the Jolla shop ( for C2); hopefully that one includes the recovery image.
There’s no hybris-recovery for for C2 either.
Maybe it’s possible to ssh into the half-booted device (Sailfish OS logo) via USB.
Otherwise you definitely should contact customer support. They are friendly & willing.
I have now reverted the offending changes and updated the package again. Installed it on my phone, rebooted, and all is good.
The timer now triggers the service once a day, but the script only rebuilds the hosts file from cached files + black/whitelist, until the cached files are older than interval (default 7 days); only then are the lists fetched again.
Please see /usr/share/doc/hosts-block/cfg.sh
I will re-implement the auto-update feature as soon as I have time to thoroughly test it (weekend probably).
I wasn’t able to enter recovery mode with my XA2 as well. After some trial and error with different usb cables I was able to flash my phone with fastboot. That’s definitely another solution to bring the phone back to normal.
I managed to get into recovery mode and mounted the directory as instructed. But when trying to remove the hosts-block files, I get an error “rm: can’t remove ‘hosts-block*’: No such file or directory”
Same for the second line. I must be doing something wrong but can’t figure out what… I am pretty sure I am looking for the files in the correct directory, where else could the offending files be located?
EDIT: Here are the terminal output:
~ # mount /dev/mapper/sailfish-root mnt
~ # cd mnt/etc/systemd/system/
/mnt/etc/systemd/system # rm hosts-block*
rm: can't remove 'hosts-block*': No such file or directory
/mnt/etc/systemd/system # ls
actdead.target.wants home.mount.d runlevel4.target timers.target.wants
basic.target.wants local-fs.target.wants situations-daemon.service user@.service.wants
getty.target.wants multi-user.target.d sockets.target.wants
home-mount-settle.service.d multi-user.target.wants systemd-user-sessions.service.d
/mnt/etc/systemd/system # rm *wants/hosts-block
rm: can't remove '*wants/hosts-block': No such file or directory
The second command is wrong: it should be rm *wants/hosts-block*
and that’s probably all that needs to be removed.
Sorry to hear that but it should have been possible. I have used XA2 myself for years.
Things that could have had an impact:
- incompatible fastboot version
- incompatible hybris-recovery.img
- skipping steps in the admittedly long and complicated instructions
It’s different for C2 users, see this thread.
Thanks a million, now the phone is booting normally.
Thank you very much for the quick responses, your work is greatly appreciated!
Ohh noo… Man, i got same stuck on Sony logo on XA2 only today, after reboot. Omg.
Upd. Downloaded…zip file from jolla.com for 4 hours. Alleluja. I’m back on Sailfish.
Is there currently a risk of bricking devices by using the package? Should it be uninstalled, or how can the bricking be prevented?