Hosts-block (ad-blocking via /etc/hosts) now in Chum:testing

hosts-block Ad-blocking via /etc/hosts

(general explainer - my motivation)

The script collects, sanitizes and compiles blocklists from the internet into a hosts file that will block domains on your whole system.
It runs immediately after installation, then once a week (currently hardcoded) through a systemd timer/service.
It sends various graphical notifications when something important happens (good or bad).

Only if you want stricter or less strict blocking, can you copy /usr/share/doc/hosts-block/ to /home/defaultuser/.config/
and edit it to your liking. You can also black/whitelist sites by creating /home/defaultuser/.config/whitelist.txt and blacklist.txt resp.

By default only Steven Black’s default list is used, but the script can extract domains from all kinds of formats and combine them into one huge list. See /usr/share/doc/hosts-block/ for a maxi list (about 10x larger than the default).

The package is a collaboration between myself & @vlagged.

PS: there is currently some inconsistencies in the Readme in Chum. They are already fixed but I did not want to trigger another round of compiling just for that, see here instead.
