Just a wild guess: is there something wrong with the systemd servive and its position in the boot process? Maybe it tries to update /etc/hosts while network is unavailable?
Is there any way to collect logs about the start-up process?
Wow, that’s really worrying as decided to give it a try few hours ago, after uninstall noticed two services still showing up:
bash-5.0$ systemctl | grep hosts
hosts-block-force.path loaded active waiting hosts-block-force.path
hosts-block.path loaded active waiting hosts-block.path
Did stop/disable them, any way to check if there is anything other left over from the app?
Edit: hopefully full clean up routine
devel-su systemctl stop hosts-block
devel-su systemctl stop hosts-block.path
devel-su systemctl disable hosts-block.path
devel-su systemctl daemon-reload
devel-su systemctl stop hosts-block-force.path
devel-su systemctl disable hosts-block-force.path
devel-su systemctl daemon-reload
Hello I have the same problem. Device stops booting on sony screen. Reboot does not work. I can’t even access fastboot mode. Damn.
Terminal states:
Searching device to flash…
Found , serial:CQ3001EZTG, baseband:waiting, bootloader:waiting
No valid devices found.
I was finally able to reflash my phone using a usb hub.
No, it’s not bricked forever.
I can confirm the problem.
I must have fucked up in the last update.
Give me a few minutes to figure out how to come back from this.
I’m very sorry.
Y’all will need to boot into recovery mode:
This requires a USB data cable, a computer to connect it to, and fastboot
fastboot --version
fastboot version 35.0.2-android-tools
This is the most recent version afaics, but older versions should™ work as well.
Follow the instructions linked above. Be sure you use the hybrid-*.imgs that fit your phone
I had my phone on SFOS, but only had the hybrid-*.imgs that came with They worked nicely.
If you’re on 5.0 already and don’t have the installation package anymore you can re-download it from Jolla shop.
… Once the telnet connection is established, open a shell and perform the following commands:
mount /dev/mapper/sailfish-root mnt
cd mnt/etc/systemd/system
rm -f hosts-block*
rm *wants/hosts-block*
umount mnt
Then follow the Reverting instructions.
Afterwards it does not matter if you uninstall the application, everything works again except automatic updates. Meaning you still have your adblocking hosts file. If you uninstall, it will revert back to default.
I will now upload Sailfish_OS-Jolla- (XA2 Ultra) and Sailfish_OS-Jolla- (10 II) recovery images to my website, with the aforementioned fastboot executable for Linux x86_64.
Again, sorry. I was overly enthusiastic and forgot the dogfooding before uploading.
Thanks for looking into this, this should work on 5.x too?
Yes, this is not specific to any SFOS version.
For 5.0. on C2 there seems to be only images for Fastboot flashing of Jolla C2 → Index of /images/ (according to ReleaseNotes there are currently no newer ones - see [Release notes] Tampella " Known issues on the latest devices")
Not tested yet.
(post deleted by author)
Please 5.0 image, someone! Xperia 10 III
Please ignore my request, I managed to find an image for my phone.
You don’t have to login or C2!
Can I use the trial version of Sailfish OS for my phone for the recovery:
Xperia 10 III
Please ignore my request, I managed to find an image for my phone.
ohnonot tnx for the answer
The hybris-* images should be the same.
I tried on C2 using https://releases.sailfishos.org/images/
According to the included README, these commands have to be used:
sudo fastboot flash boot_a hybris-boot.img
sudo fastboot flash boot_b hybris-boot.img
sudo fastboot reboot
I don’t come to the point “Forcing the phone to the Recovery Mode” Recovery Mode | Sailfish OS Documentation.
→ instead of recovery mode, it is again in the standard reboot loop (OR it is in recovery mode, but the IP is not shown - which I don’t think)
You’re supposed to use the hybris-recovery.img, and not the hybris-boot.img - that one you will need to restore normal boot in the end.
No problem, just do it again, and after that remember to
- disconnect the cable
- make sure the phone is OFF
- go into fastboot mode again
sudo fastboot boot hybris-recovery.img
(it’s all written out in detail in the docs)
Ah ok.
But there is no hybris-recovering.img inside Index of /images/
~/Downloads/Sailfish_OS-Jolla-$ ls
dtbo.img fimage.img001 flashing-README.txt hw-release hybris-boot.img lk.bin logo.bin md5.lst os-release sailfish.img001 vendor_boot.img
I just downloaded that zip and yes, you’re right. I’m now also downloading the one from the Jolla shop ( for C2); hopefully that one includes the recovery image.