Here's the code for the European Digital Identity

Then go nostr or twister, you pushing a censor-heaven alternative makes no sense

I didn’t stop you from suggesting them, did I? What the company chooses is up to them.

Now, with that out of the way, could we return to the EDI app?

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When they will be big enough…yes.

Only the Jollyboys know what is meaningful to them. Attacking my opinions doesn’t help in that regard.

ActivityPub allows you to set up your own server. Like mail. The decentralization is built in. …even when the European Comission has an instance of their own.

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As a parallel… Would that mean that I have to code the EDI app myself before asking for it here?

…or are we leaving the topic of an app permanently?

Yeah if you code it sharing would be nice, but not required, do as you wish

Good. Then I wish for this thread to return to the app. Happy now?

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I wish for global peace, happy now?

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This thread is supposed to be about the app. You will have to fix world peace in another thread before you ask people to join in here. Good luck.

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You still have to take that to another thread as this is about creating an EDI app for Sailfish OS. …as I can’t help you sway Jollyboys either way. Good luck with that too.

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There is no need to do that. You’ll be here anyway. :slight_smile:

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You are not wrong. But we are going to digitalize whether we like it or not. The point i’m trying to make here is that if we make it sensibly connected to real-world well-established well-regulated things we both get better accessibility (which is what we sailfishers need), and limits to how far behind the physical world can be.

I’d rather try to sway this in some sane direction than just sit back and do nothing while it goes off the rails completely. And perhaps the EU initiative is private-centric, with exactly the problems you describe, but the Swedish one isn’t.

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Let’s begin with WE. Yes, I believe the two of us are rather inclined to try to make a difference. Sadly, that does not describe the institutions and companies serving those ‘real-world well-established well-regulated things’. Just a somewhat scurrilous example from Germany in the past couple of years. Germany has a ‘theoretically’ centrally connected health care system for the exchange of data (telematic) between doctors and hospitals, for instance. In practice, doctors and doctors. Sometimes. There is a quasi monopoly on the manufacturing of devices to serve doctors offices. This (3 company, in effect 2 company) monopoly, built in hard coded certificate expiration to force rotation of the devices. Now, that’s well regulated! Some chaos computer club folk delved in a bit, took the crap devices apart, updated the certs and we made hay with the headlines.

The same fucking companies still hold quasi monopolies. They still do not actually make doctors lives easier (well, how could they compare!) and the smear money still lands in the same pockets as they come in and out the revolving door.

Ah, jeez, am I a bit bitter. But that’s why I’m now making TOYS for a living :slight_smile: No lead paint. No child labour.


Yes, that may well be possible, but then you’ll need a lot of unregistered SIM cards if you want to change them after every call.
Buying two unregistered SIM cards and then using them for years won’t earn you any points.

Sounds interesting.
Please tell me more about your fascist country.

like what points? so you can buy sim cards for cash? i’m confused

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I don’t have a problem with the SIM cards being sold registered.
But for you it seems to be.

Because you don’t want to be traced by the evil state and the EU.

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You probably paid for it with cash because you don’t want your transaction to be tracked, right? Why did you specifically write above that in some countries you can pay for SIM cards with cash.

because in my own country i need to provide ID to buy a sim card, in netherlands, no, holy shit the dutch are against children

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You can buy two, more or less, or as many as you think you need to stay undetected. But I think two is definitely not enough to avoid any kind of surveillance.