Here's the code for the European Digital Identity

i never bought those to avoid any kind of surveillance, just noticing a fact that just like you mario in italy and my own country, it is impossible to get a sim card without providing ID, in holland they somehow preserved that freedom and you are one train journey away from getting a trackless sim card

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This may sound Italian, but it isn’t. Germany is fine with me.

??? i don’t even know how to react to that, did they vote in hollander afd in power you’re so salty or…

ok, if you think anyone having antiimmigration views is hitler, you’re gonna have a lot of hitlers in the news

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I don’t believe that, but it is also said about people here who speak out critically on the subject of immigration.

It is the reality, you can be a dreamer all you want about free software and open source, but immigration is something you experience in person, the fact germany is waking up is just a fact, you can try to paint whatever picture on top, doesn’t work

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This is probably a somewhat conservative view of a shorn sheep, but I would find it helpful if not every thread, no matter how inappropriate (the starting point here, for example, was the code for the European ID, not an obligation built into SFOS to register the SIM or personal ID or whatever else some people here might fantasise about), ended up with a discussion about Hitler.


Also in Romania you can buy sims anonymously, but as I mentioned before it doesn’t help you if you do not have a phone (terminal) that cannot be tracked to you. There is a recent case in the Romania, where a corrupt mayor fled illegally the country, bought a sim prepaid card in Hungary (anonymously - it is not clear how cause in Hungary is required ID to register the sim prepaid card) but was caught in (Stasi) Germany because the stupid guy used his iPhone who was already used with another phone number recognized by the authorities. So anonymous prepaid is not enough, is a start but not enough. I am pretty sure that even if you have a terminal that cannot be tracked to you, still they can locate you through speech recognition software, cause who believes that they don’t listen our calls is a naive person. The only way I see now for private communications is some sort of chat with a strong encryption that the governments cannot decode easy.


If you can buy the sim for cash with no need of registering your ID, you’re golden, the story you told obviously means the guy used a clean sim in unclean phone

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The only thing a people of my kind asks for is: please start a separate thread for discussions about Hitler, immigration, vaccinations, brain chips and the activities of fascist regimes instead of hijacking every thread that comes along.


lol, just recently you were complaining about every thread getting down to hitler (how dare ppl even mention engineers and doctors) kek

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I have an actually on thread question. A disclaimer first, I won’t touch working on this because of the stack (it’s clearly android first). But, I’m more confused about the terms. On the one hand it’s called ‘identity’ and on the other hand they make repeated use (in the github repo) of the term wallet. Now, of course, you probably have your drivers license in your wallet. But, a wallet is generally a store of value for exchange. IE. money. Why this confusion. My federal Electronic id in Germany is not a wallet. It is an identity document vouched for by the state. With a crappy RFID chip in it. Why in the world are they conflating payment stores with identity stores?


(20 chars…)

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Probably because of upcoming digital Euro.

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Whoever wrote : ‘The EU Digital Identity Wallet will be:’ after the first paragraph in the github repo. The phrase wallet occurs again and again. But not what state backed identity claims are involved. I find this very strange.


your ./.gnupg migjht be good enough for a EU Digital identity wallet, srsly pls more details

I don’t think you’ve read the details, have you. Right after the phrase I just quoted comes:
’ made available to anyone who wants to use it : Any EU citizen, resident, and business in the EU who would like to make use of the EU Digital Identity will be able to do so.’

Well, since I’m a Canadian resident of Germany, I’d be very curious how this identity document can serve me, for instance, in Germany. From having read through the legal background, it CAN NOT. It might have something to do with, as @calinutzzz suggests, money, but certainly can’t be used by me for doing business with the state. So I asked, what is this about?


Could it be that they plan to have support for more than one eiD in a wallet? Parental / Company / Organisation / Military roles?

i’m sure there’s a clause here mentioning android/ios somehow???

I just checked if the German state has any support for people like me to use this document for identity purposes vis. the state. Nope. The requirements are quite clear.