Here's the code for the European Digital Identity

The reference (open-source) code for the European eID is availble on github.

There is ample time to use that code safely for Sailfish OS, imho.

Not nagging, but hoping.


Applicable platforms: Android, iOS



As it has an open source it still might be possible to create a native app, i hope.


I just want a digital identification solution. One that’s between me an my country - just for all the things an ID is normally used for, or rather the digital equivalents thereof. Whether you like it or not, being a citizen somewhere needs a “membership card”. Said ID solution should fall under full accessibility rules, and not come with platform requirements. And at least when it is the states rolling this out that line of arguments stand a chance - now we have private interests doing eID, and availability is garbage. Certainly not better.


Interesting, cause Germany has already since couple of years the “Online Ausweis” through a shitty App.

The app is not ‘that’ shitty :slight_smile: It’s been usable for me, though I rarely need it. My problem is I need two sets, since I’m a Canadian Citizen living in Germany. But, most of the time, the eID in germany works without issues. I wonder what the european one is supposed to accomplish. Other than graft, of course.

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For my purposes, the “Online-Ausweis-App” has worked well so far and has been useful.
If you want to open a bank account today, for example, you save yourself the trip to the local post office, which are becoming increasingly rare, or you don’t have to mess around with the video identification.
And bank accounts have to be opened again more often these days, given the short periods in which there are some interesting interest rates ;-).
The eID was also useful when applying for information from the BStU.

Would the app need a locked-down OS? Is that possible in Sailfish OS?

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Yeah, it is the same everywhere, only the problem is if you want to use it all over EU (and probably beyond). AFAIK the infrastructure in DE can not handle it.
So nonsense is may be what you think that you understand, but it is rather boring issue with people around and here especially. Uneducated and uncultured sadly.
Also we have the ID card 
 why should this card be in my phone, that is hooked to the network and not protected by anything meaningful?
The kind of reasoning I hear is not really meaningful.
What if I use a simple phone - not a smart phone? No internet etc.?


You are missing the point. It isn’t the being in the phone that is the point - it is about enabling remote/online identification. Aka, getting it through your device and to whatever service you are interacting it with. Though in all fairness, being in the phone is what normies somehow think is where the magic happens.

This is not supposed to be a replacement. It’s about not treating online/digital services as some sort of best-effort hobby anymore. You should be equally enabled when doing things digitally - not more - not less.

The Swedish agency tasked with sorting this out (and ridding us of silly private solutions) is not sleeping on the job; they propose a physical card, and then you have whatever go-betweens or delegates you need for that to do what you want. Fingers crossed they stay on track.


I’m hoping that one day, a noble swede will re-introduce actually attended gas stations in northern Sweden so that the desperate beer seeking Canadian can buy a beer by the road side instead of waving his mobile phone in the air. As a Canadian, I have experience with vast empty spaces, without beer. And being reminded of that vast emptiness while being in europe, identity notwithstanding, is simply bad. BAD.


Now add to that no beer selling after 9pm, finland is weird (edit: than again think of the children, even though they cannot legally buy alcohol? makes total sense)
Edit2: then again canada is the granddaddy of daddy states, Canadian should feel at home with weird gov regulations, you can buy french milk in Germany, now that’s weird

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This is naive. In Germany there is a serious issue to the detriment of a sizable part (about 4 million persons) of the population involving nothing less than public transportation. In the interests of cost cutting, it’s become almost impossible to get tickets, yes, the things that let you ride, without an a) android, b) apple phone. Now, given that the companies in question are actually largely state owned, you might think there would be some recourse for the citizens (mostly elderly) involved. Nope. You see, the state of germany (this will eventually back fire, but I’ll be dead by then) has been gradually corporatizing (an inc. / gmbh for every occasion) for decades. That means that the chain of command, well, no longer exists.


I wonder if this framework is what’s used by several EU countries like austrian and france for their new id apps ?

Since the EU’s repo mentions cross compatibility with other countries

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If someone is working on porting such type of app to sfos and needs someone to help for debugging i volunteer.


I think the European Digital Identity will be used as authentication in a large number of places, the way the swedish BankID is used today. As an example I use it as authentication when accessing my electricity statistics and payments.

So what’s the problem? The BankID I am forced to use today is created and maintained by a private company and is only available for Windows, macOS, iOS and android.

Having an alternative, one that runs natively in Sailfish OS (and other distributions), would make me feel a bit safer.


It would appear you have run out of arguments (if you ever had any).
Please respect the forum rules (of civilized conversation): criticize ideas, not people.


The swedish BankID is also used for authentication with the Swish service, a way of transfering small amounts of money.

There is a number of people in Sweden that cannot get bank accounts and thus neither get BankID nor Swish.


I hope it will be not implemented in the os. It could be an additional project but not a part of the os because of the privacy rules.

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The same goes for Sweden.

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