Help me narrow down list of devices for Sailfish

Ok so asides from that, what would you suggest out of the 3 options l have remaining?

  • Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 (l worry this might need a communityl port of SFOS)
  • Sony Xperia 10 IV
  • Volla Phone X23

For anyone that isn’t a super-advanced user and wants to daily-drive the phone and may need the odd Android app, always go with an official port.
There is no official port on your list, though one is likely to appear for the Sony Xperia 10 IV and V in hopefully not too long.

Since you seem to have missed it:

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The nomenclature (Sailfish OS vs. Sailfish X) confused me.

I was going by this list: Supported Devices | Sailfish OS Documentation

That lists the Xperia X III as officially supported, but lists it as a job for Sailfish X (for 5 Xperia models) , not Sailfish OS (for officially supported devices)

Assuming Sailfish OS is fine with Xperia 1O III (rather than requiring Sailfish X, which l don’t mind paying for), then when Xperia 10 IV support appears, will it be for Sailfish OS or Sailfish X?

And when would you estimate 10 iV support to appear?

Another thing: Why isn’t Volla Phone 22 / X23 officially supported? I thought it was the same company.

Sailfish X is just the pay-for-features scheme for official ports.
Arguably it started as, or still is, Sailfish OS for officially supported devices not made by Jolla (basically Xperias and the Gemini). There didn’t use to be a free trial then, so it just meant “official Sailfish for other devices”.

Everything on that list was either made by Jolla, is available in the Sailfish X programme, or was available through it.


:person_facepalming: Jolla != Volla.


@Crassy and @attah, this was tedious but you are ultimately getting close to finalising this conversation with a concrete result, i.e. a device. Which seems to be the Xperia 10 IV, if / when Jolla officially supports it.

P.S.: @attah, I admire your patience.

P.P.S.: @Crassy, reading this thread completely (i.e. really all the way to its end) might be of interest for you: Camera improvements : the state of cameras on sailfish
And this message with regard to Volla phones: Extract Sony Camera APK's from Android 11 X10iii - #13 by Seven.of.nine


Please, no need to talk down to me. I am well aware that the model l want is converging on being Xperia 10 IV if / when, and that’s plain from my own posts so far. You’ve added nothing but arrogance and that’s coming from someone that gave a like to a previous thread. I could quite easily just spit in your face and then close down my ID and walk off, never again checking the thread. Would you like that? No, nor do l enjoy a zero-calorie post such as yours.

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No idea whats wrong with my phones but both the original Jolla phone and the port i use have this issue. Especially on 4G.

Well, I guess I can only quote @vlagged,

Pretty sure that depends on the email provider…


Works fine on my pc. :man_shrugging:

I don’t doubt that, but I’m also not knowledgeable enough to explain what’s gone wrong with your system/mail server.

Some long time ago phone number portability was legiferated in my country so that you can keep your number but switch networks.

Maybe we need something like this for email.

Right now you can’t just “change email provider” without changing the email address, other than in the case you’re hosting your own domain I guess


I’ve been using precisely for this; has the disadvantage that google doesn’t always trust people doing things differentkly than google. Also many email providers are misconfigured.

Since we’re OT anyway, my professional organization started a membership benefit 30-ish years ago to offer a “forwarding address” email address for its members that would redirect all email to that address on to whatever the member selected as they’re current host. I still have and use mine. I agree it would be useful to make this portability universal.

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Excuse me but, am I missing something here? Like a deleted post or something like that?
All I see so far is many people trying to help so reading this doesn’t make any sense to me.


Keep it on topic. Thanks.

Without the part about spitting I would personally love that. @attah tried to help you and patiently explained the basics of Android support and Wayland.
Your reaction is inappropriate to say the least.


That says a lot about you if you’d love that. Do you really have nothing better to do than further derail the thread?

Regarding further posts along the lines of “we are the regulars, the peers, the Old Ones, we tried to help you and then follow up by insulting you, why can’t you appreciate us? We need to live, to breathe, through you, we are stuck in this planar forum world. Help.”

I don’t care. Download Form N1 —> Sue.

I will.
You cannot use a community port and all the drawbacks for the 10 III are explained into detail.
With that in mind you can

  1. buy a 10 III now and try it
  2. wait a few months to see if IV is worth it and has less or no issues
  3. buy an iPhone 15/Galaxy S24 since these are the phone you are describing with the things you need

No other choice. Very simple and well explained already.