I use Gpodder on a daily basis. So thank you so much for Gpodder on Sailfish OS !
My main problem is that I’m a big fan of a podcast that I’ve been downloading since 2015! If my phone hadn’t been stolen and if I’d been more diligent about saving, I’d have all the episodes (one a day, except weekends and except July and August). To date, this represents 2983 items and almost 22GB of data on the µSD card, taking into account the symbolic link I made to avoid cluttering up the phone’s memory. The theft of my phone cost me a year, but now the podcast offers, in addition to today’s episode, the episode from 10 years ago. This means I can now download 2 episodes a day, and if this continues, I’ll eventually get back the year I lost when my phone was stolen 
Of course I have a dozen other podcasts that I also follow but don’t necessarily download every day. The harbour-org.gpodder.sailfish folder totals 24 GB (I’m rounding).
Now Gpodder is very, very slow at “mounting” all the podcasts before it can synchronize the episode updates. I don’t know if there’s a way to improve this.
I can open a bug on Github if you think it makes sense
DeepL.com (free version) help me to write this post